Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Research Educational Environmentin in Russian Psychology: from Methodological Discussion by the Empirical Results

Yasvin Vitold A., Moscow City University

It provides the most important methodological approaches to the study of social and educational environment that have emerged throughout the twentieth century in the Russian psychological and pedagogical science. Substantiated formation of ecological education of psychology as a research direction. Summarizes the empirical results obtained in the study of educational media for more than 5 thousand Russian schools in the period 1995–2015 years on the basis of the author’s methodology, including a set of system parameters: modality, breadth, intensity, conscious to, generality, emotionality, dominance, coherence, social activity, mobility, structure, security, and stability. The connection of the different levels of the school environment parameters with the level of educational success of students. The comparative analysis of the characteristics of pre-school, school and university environment. The differences in the assessment of the environment in different categories of members of the educational community in different organizational settings. Showing empirically identified professional psychological contradictions between heads of schools and teachers, resulting from the restructuring of schools through the establishment of several schools of a single legal entity with structural divisions.


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