Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The Place and a Role Transcendental Objectivity in the Ontologic Basis of a Science

The article is devoted to the analysis of one of determining components of the ontologic basis of a science ? spheres transcendental to the world objectivity. Article is addressed to experts in the field of philosophy and philosophy of a science.


On the Way to the Truth: Aleksei Losev and Martin Heidegger

In this article the author compares philosophical ideas and concepts of Aleksei Losev and Martin Heidegger. It is claimed that the analyses of apophatic and cataphatic traditions of Christian thought led both philosophers to introduce the opposite paradigms of thinking.


German Pronunciation of the Historiography of Russian Philosophy

This article is devoted to the analysis of development of such scientific discipline as the historiography of Russian philosophy. The text compares two contrary points of view to the character of Russian philosophy: the loan-word one and the original one. The article points out how the loan-word paradigm of the historiography received the preference to the original paradigm in the first period of the historiography` s development.

About the Question of Actuality of Philosophy: G. E. Moore and Global Challenges of Modernity

The question of actuality of philosophy for humanity in XXI-th century is examined in the article. The role of philosophy consists in the search of methods and styles of reasoning which allow the man to make decisions in new and unusual for him terms. In works of representative of analytical philosophy G.E. Moore the search for interrelation between intuition and mind as the sources of human actions is carried out. Actuality of Moores philosophy consists in the special method of reasoning which gives a glance on preconditions of human acts from a new side.

Socium and its Interpretation Practices

The article investigates the place and role of interpretation when defining a subjects being in a socium. In fact, the article generates the general notion about the specific character of interpretation in the process of constituting the purpose of social institutions.


В статье ставится проблема общества, связанная с деятельностью политических элит. Подвергается осмыслению механизм деятельности политических элит и реализации их функций как субъектов геополитического риска. Анализируя социальную роль элит, автор приходит к выводу, что их деятельность детерминирована поливариативностью сознания и поливалентностью действий в ситуациях неопределенности.

Methodological Complexity of the Science of Society (Metaphilosophical Analysis)

In article are considered problems of demarcation and the relations between history and philosophy of sociology and of their influence upon self-realization of sociology and renewing of social philosophy.

The Problem of Morality in the Philosophical Conception of H. Lanz

In the article the ethical component of the philosophical concept of Henry Lanz is considered. Being the representative of the «young» generation of the Russian Neo-Kantianism, Lanz contemplates an immortality problem as a problem that has the substantiation in ethics and he incorporates Neo-Kantian duality into the concept of immortality.

The Doctrine of Dependent Оrigination in the Buddhist Philosophy

This article is devoted to the interpretation of the Doctrine of Pratityasamutpada in the Buddhist philosophy. In the article the original interpretation of this Doctrine in its intercommunication with the Buddhist ideas about the individual life of a living being which is represented as the stream of ?dharmas? is given. Dharmas are the ontological elements of Being. Opinions of ancient Buddhist philosophers and O. O. Rosenberg, A. M. Pyatigorsky and the others are analyzed there.

Mathematical Object in the Modern Philosophical Discourse

The problem of the bases of mathematics directly mentions questions of existence and the ontological status of mathematical object and is defined by the content of two basic contradictory methodological conceptions - realism and constructivism. It is shown that at the heart of their opposition dialectic relations of categorial pairs «individual?general», «subject?object», «essence?phenomenon» lie.
