Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Religious Groups in a Risky Realities

Article is devoted a problem of definition religious groups in a risk society. It is underlined, that necessity of research has been caused by a number of the reasons: first, use knowledge of religious studies in social philosophy; second: power relations became involved powerful non-government organizations, corporations, whose role is poorly understood, in contrast to, for example, the state-church relations.

Subject Fact in Philosophy B. Russell and L. Wittgenstein

The article characterizes the concept of «fact» in the philosophy B. Russell and L. Wittgenstein. Analyzed the position these scientists. Identifies similarities and differences in understanding the issues the problems of fact in the philosophy of neo-positivism and the so-called first positivism. The fact becomes is not the original reality, but a conceivable limits of the logical analysis of statements. 

Bioethical Judgments about Genetic Engineering

This article discusses the ethical judgments about human genetic engineering. Considered opinions include consequentialist judgments and categorical judgments. Judgments are being analyzed in the emotivist approach. The article concludes that there is no enough empirical knowledge for an adequate judgment on the prospects of human genetic engineering, while the existing judgments are being associated with exaggerated assumptions, bordering on dystopian fiction, and metaphysical concepts.

The Transformation of the Term of Labour in the Context of Postmaterial Values

The transformation of the relation of man to the labour is the effect of beginnings postmaterial values in postindustrial society. The charactestics of labour in the modern society: expansion of sphere of services, the beginnings of society of consumption, the informatization of human activity, the «capitalization» of man.

Education Community in Knowledge Based Economy Terms

In terms of knowledge based economy education community transfers from academic association to economic corporation. It works as business entity and involves in production, translation and distribution of a special product - the scientific knowledge. This knowledge can be successfully capitalized within a person. Special features and consequences of this transformation are examined in the article; special attention is paid to a new ethos of education community.

Invitation to Discussion

Вопрос «Что такое философия?» относится к числу вечных. Французские философы  конца ХХ в. Ж. Делёз и Ф. Гваттари специально посвятили этой проблеме целую книгу с аналогичным названием (1991). Интерес к данной теме определяется ее фундаментальностью: любой философ для себя должен решить, что такое философия. И понимание этого определяет все его творчество.

About Rhetoric of Crisis in Philosophy

The article discusses the topic of the crisis of modern philosophy. This theme is presented as special crisis rhetoric not interested in philosophy. Rhetoric contrasts to theme of philosophy as a way of escaping from the externally imposed rhetorical tricks. As a result, attempt to define a specific mode of existence of philosophy and the philosopher is given.

The Problem of the End of Philosophy: Hanto-Logical Aspects

The article analyzes perspectives of developing of contemporary philosophy, and also widely discussed in recent decades problem of «the end of philosophy». So far as this problem is associated nowadays first of all with the post-modern philosophy, positions of postmodernists philosophers are examined in the article. The author concludes that contemporary philosophy can be considered as lying beyond the opposition «sunset/development», thereby it is better to talk about «the end of the end of philosophy».

The Social Nature of Dominating Elite of the Society

Article is devoted the analysis of the conceptual bases of dominating elite. Definition of dominating elite as creative subject of development of society roots in its social nature. The functional features of modern dominating elite caused by intellectual resources, allow characterizing it as the optimal and effective subject of development of a new formed society.

Systemic-Structural Method in Ecological Investigations

This article is devoted to consideration of systemic-structural method and two ecological approaches. Both of approaches have restrictions in solving ecological problems. Author tries to summarize both of approaches and to meet a lack of approaches using systemicstructural method and ecoethics.
