Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Model of Effective Manager in Frame of Dynamic Leadership Concept

This research is dedicated to a problem of leadership effectiveness in the context of changing social situation. As part of the research generalized competency model «20 dimensions» was created. Results of comparing «20 dimensions» to three popular Western models demonstrated that despite significant similarities between these models, several competencies crucial to defining the success of a manager in Russia are not in demand abroad.

Modern Youth Representation about Emigration as a Successful Life and Career Strategy

The article gives the results of the research of modern students’ representation about emigration, its motives and qualities of a potential emigrant. Typical modern youth representations about emigration as a successful life and career strategy were found out.

The character of interhemispheric speech asymmetry in aphasia disorders and its influence on quantitative markers of speech perception and aphasia dynamics

Introduction. In neuropsychological practice the dichotic listening task has been widely used for more than 50 years as a valid test for determining the laterality of auditory speech asymmetry. Theoretical analysis. Most of the studies of the dichotic listening task in aphasia are characterized by small sample groups, a wide demographic features of them, lack attention to the type and aphasia severity, a size of local brain damage as well. Without taking into account these important factors it is difficult to answer to some questions: 1.

Violation of social perception in patients with neurosis-like schizophrenia with obsessive-phobic syndrome

Introduction. The study is focused on identifying disorientation in the communication of patients with neurosis-like schizophrenia with obsessive-phobic syndrome. Insufficient scientific development and high medical and social significance of the topic are shown. The assumption is formulated that patients have a pronounced violation of social perception, interconnected with positive, negative symptoms and quality of life. Empirical analysis.

Positive organizational psychology: Foreign research review (valuable past, relevant present, and possible future)

Introduction. The article is a review of foreign studies carried out in line with positive organizational psychology - a field of interdisciplinary scientific knowledge whose purpose is to study the factors that lead a person and an organization to prosperity. The article identifies the key them a tic blocks included in the semantic field of modern positive organizational psychology. Theoretical analysis.

Specifics of student youth’s social perception about readiness, competence and self-efficacy

Introduction. Global transformations require an individual to be ready for change, the ability to make decisions in a situation of uncertainty. Theoretical analysis. A comparative analysis allows us to conclude that, depending on the context, readiness is understood differently. Psychological readiness is associated with the presence of knowledge, skills, and is considered as a certain level of activity of the individual, a special emotional-volitional state, the ability to mobilize before the start of activity.

Correlation of ideas about an asocial personality with the values of cadets of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the conditionality of subjective ideas about an asocial personality with a system of individual values of cadets. The study was conducted on the basis of the Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner order Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. From the middle of the twentieth century to the present day, a wealth of empirical material on this topic has been accumulated.

Structural and functional analysis of the socio-psychological status of a group subject

Introduction.For the first time the approach was proposed to the study of the socio-psychological status of a group subject, in which the status is understood as a systemic formation reflecting accordingly business, axiological, formal-hierarchical and attraction-expressive aspects of the group position in the basic organization. Theoretical analysis.

Foundations of Development of School-Age Children’s Creative Thinking on the Basys of its Integrative Conception

The paper refers to the grounding of school-age children’s creative thinking development foundations from the point of the integrative conception of creative thinking that deals with creative thinking as with the highest level of thinking. It is assumed that that creative thinking can be developped by purposely organized integration of separate forms of thinking.

Strategies of Behavior Interrelation Subjective Well-Being Representatives Contact Ethnic Groups

The article discusses the results of research on the relationship of behavior strategies and subjective well-being of representatives contact ethnic groups (Russians, Kazakhs, Armenians). It is shown that in the face of threats to the well-being of some of the representatives of the ethnic groups have resorted to various behavioural strategies. Established ethnic specificity of the relationship between the characteristics of individual satisfaction and willingness to engage in risky behaviour.
