Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Catholic Traditionalists: An Attempt to Refine the Definition

Referring to the research literature on Catholic traditionalism, as well as the works of the traditionalist Catholics themselves (whose most prominent representative was the Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre), we invariably come across a whole variety of definitions and self-determination of traditionalist groups. These definitions are built, as a rule, upon the fact that the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) turned out to be the cause and the moment of birth for Catholic traditionalism.

Freedom and Responsibility in the Context of Consciousness Evolution: Synergetic Analysis

The main subject of the article includes the characteristics of the evolution of consciousness and culture in general from the standpoint of the synergetic philosophy of history exploring the evolution of complex socio-cultural systems, the processes of selforganization at the phenomena level (non-equilibrium, bifurcation) and at the level of essence (selection, super-selection).

Risk Communication: Theoretical Foundations and Current Issues

This article introduces the framework of risk communication problem. Values, attitudes, social influences and cultural identity, and institutes influence what human beings perceive as their risks. Hence, the social experience of risk is not confined to the technical parameters of risk, i.e. the probability and magnitude. The present work examines the methodological roots of risk communication theory, traces the development of this subject in risk literature, and explores its value in current risk issues.

The Problem of Intellects in Medieval Aristotelianism

The article deals with the problem of the role and significance of the “ladder of intellects” in Medieval Aristotelianism. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the decisive influence of the problem of intellects on the difference in the interpretation of the heritage of Aristotle in the Middle Ages, when Aristotle was understood as a theologian and the teacher of primary causes, and in the Modern era, when Aristotle was regarded as an empiricist, metaphysician and the founder of several sciences.

Clip Thinking in the Context of Educational Practices: a Socio-philosophical Analysis

The article is devoted to the analysis of clip thinking as a phenomenon of the information society. In the context of global computerization, a person constantly interacts with the information and telecommunication network – the Internet – through various devices, which greatly affect his analytical skills. As a result of this interaction, he ceases to think globally and analyze large volumes of serious information. His consciousness becomes mosaic, and his thinking is fragmentary.

Personality Development as an Ideological Illusion of the Idea of Progress

The article is devoted to the topic of personal development in the idea of progress. This idea has always reflected in its content the concept of irreversible, linear and universal development as a movement from lower to higher. In this context, most studies on this topic considered the thesis of the inevitable, guaranteed, permanent and upward development of the personality as an axiom.

Holding onto Truth: Philosophy and Politics of Mahatma Gandhi

The article is devoted to understanding the concept of “holding onto truth” (Satyagraha), which was developed by Mahatma Gandhi in the process of his struggle against British racism and colonialism. The purpose is to analyze the formation of the Satyagraha philosophy in the context of the life path of Gandhi and his political activities. The novelty of the proposed approach is determined by the desire of the authors to consider the philosophy of Satyagraha in comparison with the thesis of K. Marx that philosophy can change the world.

The Philosophy of Uniqueness

The article is devoted to the actualization of the principle of uniqueness for methodology in philosophy and epistemology. This is due to the fact that no attention is paid to the uniqueness in scientific discourse. However, if general and universal could be the necessary results of cognition for the natural science, then for humanities the heuristic status of uniqueness should become the aim of research at least due to the fact of the uniqueness of a human being and personality in the context of anthropology.

Сivilization Approach: Historical and Philosophical Analysis of the Methodological Resource

The article is devoted to the analysis of the methodological resource of the civilization approach at the modern stage of the historical process. Taking into account the categorical development of the concept of civilization, the author focuses on two groups of socio-cultural characteristics: unique and universal. The unique characteristic reflects the distinctive, special and original features of a certain historical type of society that is being studied in social and cultural aspects.

Digital Society and Digital Anthropology: Transdisciplinary Foundations of Social and Epistemological Research

The article deals with the methodological problems of exploring digital social reality. In modern society, digital technologies mediate the whole complex of social relations, linking the state, organizations, and individuals in a complex technical object. The new technological order integrating convergent technologies radically transforms the landscape of human corporeality, everyday life and creativity.
