Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В статье анализируются основные положения историко-фило-
софской концепции Анри Гуйе, одного из лидеров французской 
традиции исследования классического интеллектуального на-
следия.  Рассматриваются  предложенные  французским  мыс-
лителем решения проблемы сущности философии, ее главных 
источников, закономерностей ее развития. Затрагивается уче-
ние Гуйе о способах рационализации реальности, о ближайших 
перспективах  философии,  ее  связи  с  языком.  Несомненно,  в 


В  статье  рассматриваются  особенности  современного  го-
родского  социокультурного  пространства.  Ставится  вопрос  о 
трансформации  ценностей  культурного  наследия  в  условиях 
преобладания  массовой  культуры  и  в  культурных  практиках 
игрофикации. На примерах из области городской скульптуры, 
трансляций оперных спектаклей на городских площадях, стра-
тегий  музеев  в  области  сувенирной  продукции  показано,  что 
в процессе получения коммерческой прибыли первоначальные 


Целью статьи является социально-философский анализ визуаль-
ности как социального конструкта, который оказывает огромное 
влияние на формирование ценностей современного человека. В 
условиях смены аксиологических парадигм наше общество нахо-
дится на стадии разрушения традиционных ценностей и форми-
рования новых, что неизбежно ставит индивида в ситуацию ри-
ска. Актуальность выбранной проблематики объясняется тем, что 
сегодня  визуальность  является  основополагающим  средством 

The Institutional Person and the Order of Society: Plato-Aristotle's Tradition and Modern Democracy

The paper is devoted to considering the philosophical heritage of Plato and Aristotle touching upon the problems of the institutional person as a representative of the community of people. The dominating influence of culture and the education of society on the essence of the established owner of moral and intellectual properties is fixed. Special attention is also paid to disclosing the quality of its functional coordination with the habit of society regarding the concrete ruling regime.

«Tired» Periods of History

The article is devoted to actual philosophical and historical problems. There are some periods in the history of mankind, which can be called «tired» periods. The fact is that the historical process is a unity of objective and subjective. In that case the objective means an immanent logic of history, and a subjective – activity of the subjects of history, i.e., of people. The objective has the primacy, but subjective has an enormous impact on objective. During crisis periods people lose their passionarity. They prefer entertainment, games, gladiator fights etc.

Politics as a Sphere Where Ideologies Exploit the Social Myths

The article considers the political sphere as a space of social mythology objectification. The state acts as a mediator smoothing of the social contradictions with the help of ideologies, which are based on certain social myths. Exploitation of social myths by ideologies makes it easier to influence social consciousness. Each state through the prevailing ideology (which may exist in its formal or informal way) is implementing a specific development program thus exploiting the myth or set of myths.

Philosophical Perception of Ideology in Contemporary Society

This article’s objective is to comprehend which place ideology takes in the liberal capitalistic society. Ideology plays the role of the social organization and social self-organization mechanism which has been historically established. The author descripts its essence, substance and social functions along with cognizing the notion of an individual freedom. Liberal capitalistic ideology is characterized with a tendency to freedom and free enterprise according to mass media.

Transhumanism as the Ideology of a New Social Order

This article analyzes the impact of the information society values on the formation of a new social order. A new social order is focused on transhumanist ideals and pursues the goal of creating posthumanity. Cybernetic immortality, not a natural continuation of the species, is the main purpose of the information society. There is a new system of social values, based on the ownership of the means and information channels. All of the above changes, in turn, lead to the formation of new social order, in which simulation turns into real life.

Environmental Consciousness in the Regions of the Russian Caspian: the Possibilities of Semiotic Measurement

This article analyzes the environmental consciousness as a unique phenomenon of cultural space, whose structure (metastructure) has significant potential semiotic expressed set of combinations (the code) is figurative-symbolic representations. Semiotic dimension of environmental awareness in the regions of the Russian Caspian is important in an environment where social awareness in our country still feels the pressure anthropocentric policies.

Risk-Producing Potential of Hyperreligiosity (by the Example of Anton Chekhov’s Story «The Murder»)

To the question of revival of religious faith in contemporary Russia the scientific community pays big attention on finding methodological possibilities of protection against all kinds of destructive cults and sects. However, little attention is paid to the development of a healthy religious experience within the traditional religions, particularly Orthodoxy. One of the real problems is hyperreligiosity. The term hyperreligiosity was born in the bosom of psychiatry, as an unofficial diagnosis that doctors put almost every believer that was treated in the clinic.
