Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Современная  эпоха  –  это  эпоха  быстрых  изменений,  форми-
рования  ценностей,  отличных  от  предыдущих,  формирования 
человека иного типа. Объектом исследования статьи становит-
ся человек будущего. Перспективы и риски становления новой 
реальности – виртуальной – скрывают опасности другого рода 
– опасности потери человека. Появляющиеся его характеристи-
ки  как  техночеловека,  киберчеловека  содержат  существенную 
особенность – зависимость человека нового типа от технических 


В учебной и справочной литературе советского периода прин-
цип  партийности  философии  трактовался  своеобразно:  на 
передний план выдвигалась принадлежность к политической 
партии и соответствующему классу. Существенная трансфор-
мация известного философского принципа не только искажа-
ла ретроспективный выбор философом той или иной партии, 
«устав»  и  «программа»  которой  определялись  почти  произ-
вольным  выбором  онтологии  и  гносеологии,  но  и  вносила  в 

The Impact of Growing Infantilism in the Community on the Erasure of Gender Differences

The paper assesses the impact of growing infantilism in the community on the erasure of gender differences and also the emergence of new social and gender roles from the fresh perspective on relevant gender issues. In addition to the direct connection of infantilism and a gender choice of a single individual, the author finds sources of infantile perception of a multitude of people mostly in the social phenomenon of neoteny, widescale unaccomplised Oedipus and Electra complexes, as well as in a wide genetic diversity.

The Cultural Conflict in the Context of the Socio-cultural Analysis

The aim of the article is a socio-cultural analysis of the cultural conflict. The conflict is seen as an attributive component of any cultural system. The specificity of the cultural characteristics of the conflict studied in comparison with the social conflict. Clarifies the similarities and differences of social conflict and cultural conflict. The analysis of the characteristics of cultural conflict: culture shock, cultural lag, cultural resistance.

Healthy Life-style and Social Risks

The paper investigates social risks in the context of healthy life-style. The concept of risks for health is introduced as an independent and significant notion. We separate and analyze ecological, economical, industrial, technological, cultural risks for health, which are conditioned by the peculiarities of modern social development. It is shown that social risks may be personal as well, as communal, in which case we speak about participation of an individual in the venturesome communal social practices. Among the personal risks we mark consumer and behavioral ones.

Man as a Subject of Environmental Reality

In the paper ontological basis of the system of the relationship between human beings and the nature. The concepts of environmental reality, of «homo environmental» as of its subject, and of environmental consciousness are discussed.

Criticism of «Dialectic Reason» from Positions of Philosophy XX–XXI c.

In article it is proved that philosophy of XX–XXI makes overcoming of dialectics, and not in the spirit of dialectic «removal» at all. Dialectic opposites are replaced with the «swarming» distinctions between which the unity is impossible for the reason that between them there is no mutual exclusion. Both in epistemology, and in social sphere, dialectic «conflict of opposites» strategy is replaced by indirect slip away strategies, deconstruction for example. Dialectic «the unity of opposites» is replaced by communication strategy.

Historical Transformation of Elite Power in the Problem Field of Social Philosophy

The article is devoted to the social and philosophical analysis of the historical changes of the elite power. There is made an attempt to identify the differences between elite power from the power of the elites. From this point of view, there are various approaches to study the ruling groups. And the hermeneutic approach is set off in the article. Based on it there is defined the elite of the text (the public), the elite of the subtext (behind the scenes), and the elite of the context (the real conditions of its existence).

Form, Intellect and Teleology in Aristotelian Doctrine of Truth

The article examines the classical Aristotelian concept of truth as the correspondence of knowledge knowable subject. Under this concept, the complex structure of the truth as consisting of logical, causal and metaphysical aspects is demonstrated. The concept of truth is revealed through analysis of the relationship of these aspects within a holistic picture of philosophy of Aristotle. The connection of truth with the categories of logic, the notion of essence as unity of matter and form, with the teachings of Aristotle about the mind and God’s mind is emphasized.

Philosophy of Therapeutic Choice: Medical Decision Making in the Context of Social and Cultural Transformations

The article is devoted to the understanding of discussions in medical humanities about such a multidimensional issue as the relationship of doctor and patient. Sequential reconstruction of sociological, anthropological and ethical aspects of this problem can also detect its philosophical core that is concentrated around the issues of medical decision making. Contemporary studies in medical humanities reveal an interactive structure of the processes involved in it medical professionals and individuals who do not have professional knowledge.
