Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Man as a Subject of Environmental Reality

Dmitrieva Natalya V., Saratov Regional Institute Development of Education

In the paper ontological basis of the system of the relationship between human beings and the nature. The concepts of environmental reality, of «homo environmental» as of its subject, and of environmental consciousness are discussed. It is shown that in classical concepts a human being is treated as a subject which determines environmental reality with his activity and, at the same time, as an object of influence of environmental reality, which gives the reason to speak about «homo environmental» and about the feedback between the «homo environmental» and the environmental reality. Within the frames of postnonclassic ontological paradigm «homo environmental» appears as «postnonclassic subject», incorporated into environmental reality and realizing this incorporation. Existence of complicated nonlinear bonds in the system «homo environmental within environmental reality» stipulates the presence of unpredictable, chaotic and critical states in it. It is shown that spiritual and creative origin of the human being transform environmental reality and do not permit it to reduce human integrity and his ontological diversity merely to the «homo environmental».


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