Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Spirituality as a Basis of Morality and Patriotism in a Modern Russian Society

Guryanova Anna Viktorovna, Samara State University of Economics
Frolov Vyacheslav Andreevich, Samara State University of Economics

The article considers the dialectical correlation between patriotism, morality and spirituality. Spirituality is interpreted as the main condition and basis of all moral qualities and abilities of the human being, including patriotism. In comparison with patriotism as a spiritual quality of the person, spirituality looks like a transcendental condition of personal existence, which allows us to interpret it more fundamental and, therefore, primary phenomenon. Based on this, the widespread idea found in literature according to which patriotism is the basis of spirituality is criticized. On the contrast, patriotism of a person can be formed only on the basis of the development of his spirituality. The conditions of spirituality and patriotism formation in modern Russian society are revealed. An attempt to form patriotism without the work related to development of spirituality is considered hopeless.


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