Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The ontological beginning of fantasy

Mozzhilin Sergey Ivanovich, Saratov State University
Steklova Irina V., Saratov State Technical University

Introduction. The article presents the ontological aspect of fantasy as a form of scientific knowledge. The concept of the role of normative scientific and cognitive structures and creative cognitive potential, which has ontological roots, in scientific knowledge is being developed. The study is conducted using works on the history and philosophy of science. The focus is on factors that are immanent to science and external to it, capable of not only influencing scientific activity, but also leading to a change in the types of rationality. Theoretical analysis. The ontological approach allows us to conclude that the mind and imagination are correlated at different stages of the development of knowledge in the scientific and cognitive process. Fantasy as a form of imagination can be used in the formation of a scientific fact, problem, hypothesis and theory. Techniques of fantasy can be considered such methods in scientific activity as analogy, typification, emphasis, eclecticism, which expand the scientific space and illustrate the features of post-non-classical scientific rationality, taking into account the worldview features of the mind. Conclusion. The ontological substantial beginning of fantasy is words, which are signs-symbols, filling and shaping the mental space of the subject, prompting the subject to a constant search for the unknown. At the same time сonsideration of the problem made it possible to identify the ontological beginnings of the fantasy phenomenon and to interpret the influence on scientific activity not only of the process of symbolization, ethical norms, metaphysical research programs, but also of the emotional reactions of the subject.

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