Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Spirituality as a Basis of Morality and Patriotism in a Modern Russian Society

The article considers the dialectical correlation between patriotism, morality and spirituality. Spirituality is interpreted as the main condition and basis of all moral qualities and abilities of the human being, including patriotism. In comparison with patriotism as a spiritual quality of the person, spirituality looks like a transcendental condition of personal existence, which allows us to interpret it more fundamental and, therefore, primary phenomenon.

Clip Thinking in the Context of Educational Practices: a Socio-philosophical Analysis

The article is devoted to the analysis of clip thinking as a phenomenon of the information society. In the context of global computerization, a person constantly interacts with the information and telecommunication network – the Internet – through various devices, which greatly affect his analytical skills. As a result of this interaction, he ceases to think globally and analyze large volumes of serious information. His consciousness becomes mosaic, and his thinking is fragmentary.

Academic Disease History in Clinical Departments: Specificity, Innovation, Methodological Potential of Application, and Prospects of Use

Objective: to study the feasibility of writing academic disease history by students, as well as the need of its correcting in accordance with the scheme of the history of the disease, in connection with innovative technologies in teaching, introduction of electronic medical records and modern software into practical work. Materials and methods: at the Department of Faculty Surgery and Oncology of V. I.

Risk-generating Aspect of Education and Sociocultural Potential of the Society in the Context of Digitalization

The object of the authors’ research is the modern society, in which digitalization initiates the endless change of situations derived from the development of the information technology environment. Digitalization is transforming systemic social processes, local practices, and such a strategically important area as education, which is most sensitive to a state of uncertainty. Since uncertainty causes existential risks, the need for an anthropological approach to the analysis of everyday life arises in the study of the risk-generating aspect of education.

A Man and Society in the Digital Age

New media communications take people away from their background and history, commercial manufacturing and class struggle. Society turns into a giant installation. There, a wide variety of communities coexist and conflict in a playful and, at the same time, hyperreal form, following their own rules of the game. All this forces us to revise the basic concepts of social philosophy. Despite the increase in prosperity, alienation does not disappear. On the contrary, it gets new forms.

Educational Aspect of Memory Space

The article presents an analysis of the memory space from the standpoint of the ideal sphere of a person, as well as the role of flashbacks to the war in the formation of values. The focus of the analysis is on dialogue with youth. Direct communication of young men with their close people – participants in the war is essentially an irrational act that determines the specifics of the subsequent attitude to historical events and, most importantly, lays the foundations for identity.

Responsibility as a quality of personality: Essence, formation, significance

The article discusses the significance of responsibility in providing safety of the environment surrounding the person. The problem is caused by the contradiction between the human need for security and impossibility in many cases to satisfy it because of inadequate fulfilment of the duties by employees. The purpose of the article is to outline the ways of solving this contradiction by pedagogical means. The methodological basis of the research is systematic, activity-based, and subject-subject approaches.

Content of training in cross-cultural interaction of post-graduate law students by means of the English language

The article is devoted to the problem of education content that is significant for modern pedagogical theory. It is written using teaching English to postgraduate students at Saratov State Law Academy as an example. A foreign language for postgraduate students in higher education institutions has always been associated with the postgraduate students’ major in which they carried out scientific research.

Risks of religious socialization in a post-secular society

The article presents the search for effective steps to minimize interfaith tension. The authors reveal the essence of traditional introduction to religion in the modern information environment. Digital technologies, on the one hand, expand the horizons of the possible, but on the other hand, the personality breaks away from natural communication, and as a result, the internal system of spiritual landmarks is disturbed.

Socio-psychological Consequences and Factors of Modern Globalization

Globalization identifies the significant changes in consciousness of a modern person. Transformation deal with subjective, personal, individual characteristics, and also the basic kinds of human activity – professional activity, learning, and communication. Socio-psychological consequences of globalization are defined in the space-time (territorial and subjectively-temporary identity), socio-cultural and other dimensions.
