Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Educational Aspect of Memory Space

Ruchin Vladimir Alekseevich, Saratov State University

The article presents an analysis of the memory space from the standpoint of the ideal sphere of a person, as well as the role of flashbacks to the war in the formation of values. The focus of the analysis is on dialogue with youth. Direct communication of young men with their close people – participants in the war is essentially an irrational act that determines the specifics of the subsequent attitude to historical events and, most importantly, lays the foundations for identity. The existential meaning of this act is determined by the anthropological qualities of a man, the mechanism of his memory. The author made an attempt to single out a key element in this mechanism that establishes the connection between a person and society, where individual memory is irrational, internal, and social memory is rational, generally recognized. Identifying the boundary between the rational and the irrational allows us to approach the disclosure of the functioning conditions of both memory and education. Education and memory are intentional, inherent to any individual who, relying on them, implements the process of cognition of being. Inner being, self-existence is a special inner life of a personality, which determines its perception of the world, expressed via the unity with other people. As a result of the analysis, it is concluded that social memory is the result of a special integration of personal experience and person’s empathy to the social attitudes, including the problems of War and Peace.


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