Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Socio-psychological Consequences and Factors of Modern Globalization

Akopov G. V., Povolzhye State Social and Humanitarian Academy, Samara

Globalization identifies the significant changes in consciousness of a modern person. Transformation deal with subjective, personal, individual characteristics, and also the basic kinds of human activity – professional activity, learning, and communication. Socio-psychological consequences of globalization are defined in the space-time (territorial and subjectively-temporary identity), socio-cultural and other dimensions. Socio-psychological consequences of globalization are defined in the space-time (territorial and subjectively-temporary identity), socio-cultural and other dimensions. Discusses stress character of contemporary social dynamics. The author notes, that transformation of the socio-communicative practices and the ousting of the former types of rationality (mythologic, the logic of faith, scholasticism, formal logic, authority, dialectics) of subjective logic. There are determined by the characteristics of the new social typology of personality. With time the number of the effects of globalization acquires the character of socio-psychological factors of globalization.

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