Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

образовательная среда


Впервые получены эмпирические данные о влиянии различных 
характеристик  школьных  образовательных  сред  на  уровень 
предметных  образовательных  результатов  обучающихся.  По-
лучены  коэффициенты  корреляции  между  различными  пара-
метрами школьной среды и рейтингом школ. Установлено, что 
образовательная  среда  влияет  на  достижение  школьниками 
предметных  образовательных  результатов,  прежде  всего,  за 
счёт своей интенсивности, а также – «внешних» факторов, об-

Research Educational Environmentin in Russian Psychology: from Methodological Discussion by the Empirical Results

It provides the most important methodological approaches to the study of social and educational environment that have emerged throughout the twentieth century in the Russian psychological and pedagogical science. Substantiated formation of ecological education of psychology as a research direction.

Coordination of School Interactions

The author considers laws of the organisation of the big and open system of interactions of the schoolboy and the educational environment. Possibility of use for disclosing of laws of functioning of the given system of some positions of synergetrics is proved.

Analysis of Approaches to the Concept Educational Environment in the Scientific Thought of the 20th Century

In the article the main attention is paid to the analysis of approaches to understanding of category educational environment in the history of scientific thought of the 20th century. The research of literary sources showed that the notion educational environment studied by different scientific disciplines and doesn't have precise definition. The creation of «educational environment» in educational institution, studying its influence on the development of personality remains the actual problem of modern pedagogies.

Educational Environment: Socio-Cultural Aspect

The article analyzes the relationship between the concepts of educational space and the educational environment characterized by syncreticity, internal integrity, and attempts to determine the relationship of the educational environment with the establishment of the role of culture in education. Noting such trends in modern education as de-territorization, de-institutionalization, the author believes that there is an increasing need to activate the symbolic principle in the educational process.

Developing Educational Environment in Kindergarten: Features of Formation in Accordance with the Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of developing educational environment of a preschool educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The task includes, firstly, defining guiding lines for the formation of the developing kindergarten educational environment, and secondly, justification of the structure of this environment.

On the Role of Social Networks in the Adaptation of Foreign Students to a New Educational Environment

The article is timely because of the challenges that modern Russian system of higher education faces in the field of enrollment and training international students. The aim of the article is to study the possibilities for creating friendly educational environment for international students in a Russian university by the active use of social nets.

Evolution of educational milieu psychological safety conceptualizing in Soviet “school film”

The authors analyze the representations of school as pictured in Soviet films of 1930–1980s seen as a source for reconstruction of the notions concerning the safety of the educational milieu – self-generated as well as imposed by elites – that were characteristic of Soviet society. The discussion seems crucial for critical approach to those social stereotypes underlying modern conceptions of the educational milieu safety that were mostly shaped within the limits of the previous historical period.

Diachronic Approach to the Study of the Processes of Social-Psychological Adaptation of Personality

The paper analyzes the possibility of a diachronic approach to the study of the processes of socialization and social-psychological adjustment. In article offers a description of the unit of analysis, the determinants and criteria diachrony and synchrony in the adaptation of the individual and environment interactions. The article examines the role and the ratio of processes of unbalance and coordination in the system person – environment.
