Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Evolution of educational milieu psychological safety conceptualizing in Soviet “school film”

Mikhailina Marina Yu., Saratov Regional Institute Development of Education
Mikhailin Vadim Yu., Saratov State University

The authors analyze the representations of school as pictured in Soviet films of 1930–1980s seen as a source for reconstruction of the notions concerning the safety of the educational milieu – self-generated as well as imposed by elites – that were characteristic of Soviet society. The discussion seems crucial for critical approach to those social stereotypes underlying modern conceptions of the educational milieu safety that were mostly shaped within the limits of the previous historical period. This material approached both from genetic and comparative perspectives allows to trace the dynamics of propagandistic dispositions in Soviet school film production; also it helps the authors to mark the exact historical moment when another propaganda campaign met the public’s expectations for “sincerely” working through the traumatic experience of growing up as based for the most part at the educational milieu. Appearing in early 1960s, the self-dependent genre of Soviet school film was gradually to become the main source for producing the persistent stereotypes of school experience as well as one of socially acceptable instruments for working through psychological trauma. The renewal of school film in modern Russia bases at the Soviet tradition: the conventions worked out within it are determinant for new films, as well as the stereotypes they transfer.

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