Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Archetype and the Sense of Culture

This article is dedicated to studying of the correlation of archetype and sense from the point of view of philosophy. The main idea of this article: archetypes can be the psychological basis for the generation of the culture as phenomenon.

Gabriel Gordon: Fate and Philosophical Creativity

In this article the analysis of the archival materials connected with name of Russian neokantianist Gabriel Gordon is spent. His memoirs, his communication with The Universities of Moscow and Marburg, a situation in academic environment in the end XIX ? beginnigs of XX centuries are investigated in details.


The Problem of Morality in the Philosophical Conception of H. Lanz

In the article the ethical component of the philosophical concept of Henry Lanz is considered. Being the representative of the «young» generation of the Russian Neo-Kantianism, Lanz contemplates an immortality problem as a problem that has the substantiation in ethics and he incorporates Neo-Kantian duality into the concept of immortality.

Cross-cultural Dialogue in the Global World: Philosophical-Comparative Analysis

This article represents a specific cross-cultural dialogue in a space of modern global world. We have formulated the conclusion that the dialogue of cultures nowadays is a condition of mankind’s selfpreservation.

Students’ Patriotic Culture Formation

The article is devoted to the problem of students’ patriotic culture
formation during humanities learning process in the institute of higher
education. The author gives the analysis of the concept «patriotic
culture» as well as the system of its formation.

Metodological Status of the «Other»: Psychological Discurs

The paper reports outcomes of a theoretical reflection of concept Other with the purpose to define methodological opportunities of this concept The paper alleges that the space of interactions of Self and Other can be represented by 3 dimensions, which construct sociopsychological, socio-cultural and existencio-cultural surfaces. 

Culture as a Methodological Innovation in the Context of Philosophical Reflection

The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the phenomenon of culture. We set the task. There are the analysis of culture as a philosophical phenomenon firstly, the comprehension of culture from the point of view of methodological innovation in the context of philosophical reflection secondly in this task. We were concluded that the culture is not sufficiently integrated into philosophical discourse at the present time on the basis of the analysis.

Educational Environment: Socio-Cultural Aspect

The article analyzes the relationship between the concepts of educational space and the educational environment characterized by syncreticity, internal integrity, and attempts to determine the relationship of the educational environment with the establishment of the role of culture in education. Noting such trends in modern education as de-territorization, de-institutionalization, the author believes that there is an increasing need to activate the symbolic principle in the educational process.

Spirituality as a Basis of Morality and Patriotism in a Modern Russian Society

The article considers the dialectical correlation between patriotism, morality and spirituality. Spirituality is interpreted as the main condition and basis of all moral qualities and abilities of the human being, including patriotism. In comparison with patriotism as a spiritual quality of the person, spirituality looks like a transcendental condition of personal existence, which allows us to interpret it more fundamental and, therefore, primary phenomenon.

Culture, Civilization, Religion in the Modern World

The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the phenomena of culture and civilization, as well as the role of religion in the modern world. The task includes, firstly, the analysis of these phenomena in the framework of the socio-philosophical dimension and secondly, understanding of religion as the center of civilizational ideology, which is expressed in the Judeo-Christian values in the West and the ethics of Islam in the East.
