Culture as a Methodological Innovation in the Context of Philosophical Reflection
The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the phenomenon of culture. We set the task. There are the analysis of culture as a philosophical phenomenon firstly, the comprehension of culture from the point of view of methodological innovation in the context of philosophical reflection secondly in this task. We were concluded that the culture is not sufficiently integrated into philosophical discourse at the present time on the basis of the analysis. Culturology is the result of nonclassical social and humanitarian scientific reflection in comparison with philosophy. Accordingly it acquired an independent scientific status relatively recently in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field of research within the scope of the traditions of diverse social and philosophical concepts. The author concludes that the philosophy of culture is the result of innovative philosophical thinking in the mainstream of theoretical comprehension and it seeks to identify itself within the scope of social and humanitarian knowledge. Therefore, culture as a methodological innovation in the mainstream of philosophical reflection should have a new methodology and technique of research, implying the identification of directions for the development of innovative activities in cultural studies, the establishment of world outlook, theoretical, methodological and applied foundations of innovative cultural activity, as well as the institutional conditions through which innovation develops and innovative processes in culture.
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