Relationship between Value System and Psychological Structure of Students' Initiative
The article presents the results of the research focused on students’
value system and initiative, including the significance of different groups of values for them. Psychological structure of initiative as a
personality trait; significance of abstract, concrete values and also
values of professional and personal self-realization; relationships
between the significance of the group of terminal values, contentsemantic
and instrumental-stylistic characteristics of initiative are
described. According to the results obtained the author comes to
the conclusion about the relationships between egoistic motivation
and the type of self-regulation while displaying initiative and
concrete and abstract values; between the significance of values
of self-esteem and acceptance of others and sthenic and asthenic
emotions; the significance of ethical values and the stability of
intention to display initiative. The axiological nature of operational
and emotional and personal difficulties while displaying initiative
is revealed. It is underlined that there is a need to harmonize a
personal value system.
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