Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Elements and Objects Russian Mythology in the Maslenitsa

Demchenko Polina Nikolaevna, St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television

The article is devoted to the rituals and ceremonial acts of Maslenitsa, also the elements of Russian mythology are explored. The author refers to the methodology of the philosophy of Name, the symbolic concept of speech and language, as well as the concept of the ontological mutual convertibility of language and time phenomenon, which are described in the works by V. A. Friauf and V. V. Kanafeva. The publication analyzes the deities and mythological characters and the embodiment of the fertility power of Maslenitsa complex – Volos and Mokosh‘. The author also examines the role of the natural elements and objects of the surrounding world (fire, water, earth, wind, wood, the share of the soul, and death) in the phenomenon of Maslenitsa. The special focus will be also on the celebrating Slavic cults in Maslenitsa as the intercrossing of of the immanent and transcendent, the temporal and eternal. The results of the study lead to hypothesis that the presence of these archetypes in Maslenitsa becomes a condition for the expansion of space-time measurement and transition to the ontological norm of existence; the condition of the transformation of the meonic existence. The archetypes play the role of connecting the mining and partite worlds. The author concludes that in the through the relationship between the elements of Russian mythology Maslenitsa a certain transformation of the centaur- existence is carried out as a consequence of transition of the sign-language into the symbol-language.


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