Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Christianity and Science: from Autonomy to Interaction

Devyatova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

This article is devoted to consideration of the main tendences in solving by modern western christian theologians the problem of relations between Christianity and science. Today here is elaborated a new vision on history and modern state of interrelations between science and theology. Here is stressed an injustice of statesments about their principally opposition and fixed a positive influence of Christianity on the development of European science. There is no common theologian opinion about the mode of modern interrelations between theology and science. Some of them regards the principle of division of areas of their competence and autonomical activities to be most productive. But more popular is the orientation on their interaction which possibility is ensured by common questions and by methodolgial similarity of this significant areas of culture. Such orientation corresponds to modern picture of the world as a single whole and also to christian idea of Creator, whose attention and influence enlarges throughout the universe. It may become basis of close cooperation between Christianity and science aim of which is a formation accurate integrated world view.


1. Polkinghorne J. Quantum Physics and Theology: an Unexpected Kinship. New Haven, 2007. 128 р.

2. Barbour I. G. Religion and Science. Historical and Contemporary Issues. London, 1998. 368 p. (Russ. ed.: Barbur I. G. Religiya i nauka: istoriya i sovremennost. Moscow, 2000. 430 p.).

3. Rolston H. Science and Religion: A Critical Survey. Philadelphia, 2006. 357 p.