Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Dialogue of Church and State: Problem of Interpretation in Conservative Ideal and Political Philosophical Tradition and Political Theology of K. Shmitt

Shchekin Nicolai Sergeevich, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Traditionally, for many centuries, the dialogue between the Church and the state was characterized by a significant influence of the Church on all major spheres of social life in most countries of the Christian world. Revealing the theocratic foundations of the institutionalization of the value dialogue of the church and state in modern societies, the author focuses on clarifying the causes of the spiritual and moral crisis of Western civilization. The Church is attempting to rethink the role and place of religion in modern society in accordance with the moral traditions of the European community in opposition to globalization processes. A conceptual model is analyzed in which this problem is comprehended within the framework of the conservative ideological and political tradition (E. Burke, J. de Maistre and L. de Bonald) and the political theology of K. Schmitt. The traditional problem of interaction between church and state as a significant resource in achieving social consensus and successful development of society as a whole is formulated in a new way. In the context of a conservative ideological-political tradition and political theology, it is justified that it was the elaboration of the dialogue strategy between Church and State that led Christian cultural values, while remaining largely a semantic constant of European culture, transform their clerical nature and successfully integrate into the secular cultural landscape.


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