The dialectics of platformization
Introduction. In the presented article the analysis of the phenomenon of platformization with the use of the dialectical method was carried out. Theoretical analysis.The premise of platformization is the identity of the idea and the business model, as well as value and cost. The starting point for the movement of the idea of platformization is the request (of the subject to the platform and back), inseparably connected with its opposite – the access. The synthesis of request and access is seduction as an appeal to make requests to gain access to benefits which in fact turn out to be imaginary. The revealed reality of seduction, which seeks guaranteed and predictable results, is grasped by the notion of surveillance. Surveillance is implemented in the quantitative analysis of the subject’s behavior to calculate the probability of his behavior and to increase it through immersiveness, which allows to collect as much data as possible, and learning. For a subject, learning is a requirement for the constant acquisition of new behavior patterns and is a value without cost, i.e., a form of alienation of the subject from public good. For platforms, learning refers to the acquisition of data-in-themselves-and-for-themselves-being in machine intelligence. Conclusion. Machine intelligence today is an incomplete stage of platformization without pronounced internal moments, so the dialectical analysis should stop at this stage.
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