Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Constructive behavior in an interpersonal conflict situation: Innate characteristics, functional structure and meaningful indicators

The introduction justifies the topicality of studying and importance of conceptualization and operationalization of the social and psychological phenomenon of constructive behavior in conflict situations. The theoretical analysis involved three main stages. The first stage focused on identification of the subject matter and functional structure of constructive behavior in an interpersonal conflict situation.

Reflection of the Concepts “Spirit” and “I” in Nonclassical Philosopy

This article is devoted to the research of the problem of the interconnection of consciousness, self-consciousness and spirit in the works of representatives of nonclassical philosophy. The subject of the study is the reflection of the concepts “I” and “spirit” in the writings of representatives of nonclassical philosophy. First of all, the work analyzes different, sometimes diametrically opposed, views of representatives of nonclassical philosophy on the interconnection of the concepts “spirit” and “I”.

Function of Death in the Unconscious: J. Lacan's Interpretation of the Theory of Z. Freud

In this article the function of death in the Unconscious on the basis of the comparative analysis of theories of Z. Freud and J. Lacan is considered. In this context the death is considered as plural and repeating, included in a symbolical order of an exchange by the signifiers. The conclusion is drawn that a way what the subject finds the death completely is certain by that order of the signifiers at which death function is present as one of ways of relations of the subject to the Other. 

Formation of Students Subjectivity in the Educational Space of Faculty of Arts

The article discusses the problem of personality of the students in the education space. Raises issues finding of meaning in the process of learning and the formation of subjective stance on training activities.

Personality as the Subject of Relations and Interrelations

This article discusses the problem of person as the subject of the relations and interactions with each other. Analyzes the relationship of personality and their psychological characteristics. Special attention is given to the subjective position and relationship of personality to the other persons.


Mathematical Object in the Modern Philosophical Discourse

The problem of the bases of mathematics directly mentions questions of existence and the ontological status of mathematical object and is defined by the content of two basic contradictory methodological conceptions - realism and constructivism. It is shown that at the heart of their opposition dialectic relations of categorial pairs «individual?general», «subject?object», «essence?phenomenon» lie.

Features of Personal Qualities of Individuals with Neurotic Internal Conflicts

In the article empirical research of features of personal qualities of women with neurotic internal conflicts is resulted. We have shown the comparative analysis of personal qualities between groups conditionally healthy and sick of a neurosis. The received results allow more to understand deeply a role of person in origin of internal conflicts.

The Problem of Empiric Ssubject and Types of Rationality

The article is devoted to the analysis of the types of rationality in the modern philosophy. During the description of every type of rationality the special idealization of subject recognizing is introduced. As far as the subject is the reason of any activity, the model of evolution of the rationality is studied in the relation to the cognitive activity of an empiric subject.

The Link «Subjective» Personal Properties and Envy

The article presents the results of the study of the relationship subject properties and propensity to envy. People with a subject position demonstrate low envy towards situation significant areas of the superiority of another person. Identified multiple links between penchant
for envy by indirect assessment and self-assessment with subjective properties of the individual.

Subject Bases of Virtualization of Social Reality in the Information Society

The article is devoted to the consideration of the determining role of virtual reality in contemporary society. The author is positive about virtual processes that can become a tool for the development of a social system. The trend of virtualization of classical social institutions is being asserted. The author examines the history of the concept of “virtual reality”: from medieval approaches to Russian virtual studies. Virtual reality is recognized as a multi-layered formation, whose interpretation is not limited only to digital virtual reality.
