Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The relational aspect of non-emotionality

Bakaeva Janna Yurievna, Saratov State University
Steklova Irina V., Saratov State Technical University

Introduction. The article presents the relational aspect of non-emotionality as a type of cognition and scientific development of reality in particular. The focus is on non-emotional states that influence scientific activity and characterize the modern type of scientific rationality, as well as the relational concept of time. The aim of the research in this regard is to study the ontological sources of the phenomenon of non-emotionality, the conditions and relationships that lead to creative solutions. Theoretical analysis. The relational approach allows us to explore the possibilities of the mind in a state of emotionlessness both in scientific activity and in the cognitive process as a whole. Non-emotionality performs signaling and regulatory functions, which are expressed, firstly, in the fact that the absence of feelings arises in connection with the specifics of the surrounding reality or together with changes in the human body, and, secondly, unemotionality helps to overcome emerging barriers and prevents unwanted activity, that is, the regulatory mechanisms of non-emotionality can contribute to both the growth of emotionality and remove its excess right up to a complete blockage. Conclusion. The relational analysis of the phenomenon of non-emotionality reveals the possibilities of the human mind in special states of unemotionality to carry out creative activity, to get out of extreme situations when solving research problems in scientific activity.

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