Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The social philosophy of German romanticism

Introducton. The article is devoted to the analysis of German Romanticism through a social philosophical examination of its origin, features and methodological foundations in the historical and cultural context. Theoretical analysis. It is proposed to consider the analysis and methodology of German Romanticism using the philosophical method of genealogy. The genealogical procedure is heterogeneous in its essence, since it involves the identification of the duality of the beginning, the source of sociality.

Axiological aspect of will in scientific knowledge

Introduction. The article presents the axiological aspect of will as a phenomenon of a person's regulation of his behavior and scientific activity, in particular. The study of the mechanisms of volitional decisions in scientific knowledge is necessary, first of all, because the will is responsible for the formation of goals and the implementation of eff orts to realize them.


Исследование посвящено рассмотрению тематики творчества и 
специфики взаимоотношений Бога, человека и природы с точ-
ки зрения философского обоснования одной из основных тер-
минологических  триад  агамического  шиваизма,  направления 
шивасиддханты,  а  именно  «Пати,  Пашу  и  Паша».  «Пати»  –  это 
Сам Шива, верховное божество и создатель мира, «Пашу» – ин-
дивидуальная душа человека, называемая в некоторых текстах 
«атманом», и «Паша» – это «путы», «связывающие» душу и пре-

The Dynamics of Value Orientations of the Creative Elite in a Risk Society

In this article the author makes an attempt to determine the reasons for the loss of civilizational identity, coupled with the loss of the previous values and social certainty. He is trying to figure out the role played by the creative elite in shaping the cultural identification attitudes of society in modern Russia. The article traces the dynamics of formation and development of Russian identity in the transition period. Analyzes the direction and nature of the state of social dynamics.

It is Possible, and Can you Teach Creativity?

The paper discusses the negative effects of modern technological civilization with the installation of the mastery of nature, its transformation into commodities, which leads to uncontrolled changes as the environment, infrastructure and human activities that adversely affect human life and conditions of existence. It retains the priority technological engineering solutions that are based on the traditional system of education.

To a Problem of a Parity of True and Creativity in a Context of Freedom

In  this  article  is  investigated  the  problem  of  a  parity  of  true  and  creativity.  It  is  shown,  that  interpretation  of  true  depends  on  character  of  understanding  and  realization  of  a  principle  of  freedom  which  mastering  is  a  necessary  condition  of  development  of  creative  potential  at  the  person. 

Phenomenology and Genealogy of Pedagogical Creativity

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the interrelation between the phenomenological and genealogical approaches used to bring to the surface the sources of the pedagogical creativity. It is the connection of learning with genealogical memory, art and poetry, myth and symbol that helps to overcome the cultural links gap between the generations and revive in pedagogy its real creative character.

Phenomenology as Methodology of Pedagogical Creativity

In this essay phenomenology is explored as a method of pedagogical creativity investigation. Phenomenological approach helps search for the latters source and natural ground of existence. The essay addresses pre-discourse models of upbringing and that provides the possibility of getting deeper into the original experience of existence, which makes phenomenology conterminal to genealogy and destruction.

She-Truth: The Experience of Female Gnoseologization

The article is an attempt to reconceive gnoseological symbol «She- Truth». She-Truth does not tempt philosophical mind, does not deprive it of Its creativity. She-Truth emancipates philosophical mind, gives it creative impetus and protects philosophers personality.

Nikolay Berdjaev: the Aesthetics of Tradition and Pathos of Revolution

In article is presented the point of view on N.A. Berdjaeva's philosophy, allowing to understand it as consequence of difficult interaction of two opposite factors. On the one hand, its origin and education; on the other hand, its involvements into elements of historical shocks. The author underlines that «reconciliation» of these moments, according to the doctrine of the Russian thinker, probably, thanks to the creative beginning in the person.
