It is Possible, and Can you Teach Creativity?
The paper discusses the negative effects of modern technological civilization with the installation of the mastery of nature, its transformation into commodities, which leads to uncontrolled changes as the environment, infrastructure and human activities that adversely affect human life and conditions of existence. It retains the priority technological engineering solutions that are based on the traditional system of education. Modern education system slowly adjusts the bias in favor of the natural sciences and the theoretical nature of the material being studied; insufficiently takes into account the factor of the explosive growth of knowledge in various disciplines with limited training time; not effectively forms a component of the creative personality, without which development is impossible to solve these problems. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that with the help of role-playing methodology that relies both on the ancient spiritual traditions as well as on modern philosophical, psychological and educational development is proposed to solve these problems through: the formation of ideas about the integrity of the world; education of responsibility and the ability to communicate in a multipolar culture; the ability to combine the flexibility of thinking and logical rigor on the basis of the philosophical approach to life and knowledge; training and transformation of the world re-creation himself through the game.
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