Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья посвящена анализу социальной действительности фило-
софским  методом  герменевтики.  Раскрываются  сложность  и 
многоаспектность  социальной  действительности:  она  включает 
в  себя  историю  и  традицию,  язык  и  деятельность,  жизненный 
мир  и  социальные  институты.  Как  важные  формы  социальной 
действительности  определяются  социализация  и  образование, 
основанные  на  герменевтическом  понимании  мира:  речь  идёт 
о  герменевтически  понимаемом  педагогическом  отношении, 


В статье разъясняется способ думать о памяти как о двух ме-
тафорах:  следе  и  проекте.  Уточняется  содержание  этих  ме-
тафор, демонстрируются их общность и различие. Метафора 
следа  содержит  два  устойчивых  значения:  крепость  (устой-
чивость, глубина следа) и безначальность. Эти два значения 
обнаруживаются в текстах как античных мыслителей, так и но-
воевропейских. Показывается также их связь с понятием тела, 
машины памяти, конечного и бесконечного счета. Уточняется 

Hermeneutic Paradigm of Education: Social Philosophy Analysis

The paper is devoted to the social philosophy analysis of education through a method of hermeneutics. The hermeneutic paradigm of education includes tradition and memory, science and history, world of actual life and social institutions, thus revealing its structural complication and a vast range of aspects inside it. It is noted, that the historical development of education is associated with the change in value of natural and social, political and moral. In the philosophy of M. Heidegger and D.

Память как социальный феномен

Социальная память - это совокупность знаний, которые служат предметом фиксированной передачи от одного поколения к другому. Она закреплена в базовых текстах культуры, изучение которых - обязательное условие социализации индивида в определенное культурное сообщество. Носителями социальной памяти являются социальные общности, поскольку процессы коммуникации между представителями этих общностей являются постоянным индикатором актуальности циркулирующей в обществе информации.

Phenomenology and Genealogy of Pedagogical Creativity

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the interrelation between the phenomenological and genealogical approaches used to bring to the surface the sources of the pedagogical creativity. It is the connection of learning with genealogical memory, art and poetry, myth and symbol that helps to overcome the cultural links gap between the generations and revive in pedagogy its real creative character.

Morris Halbwachs: Cultural Contexts of Memory

М. Halbwachs founded new school – social studies of memory. М. Halbwachs's works related to collective memory problems turned out to be highly actual and productive for humanitis of late XX and early XXI centuries. His works include the issue of correlation of collective and individual memory and history, memory and tradition, the problem of social and cultural memory functions.

Experimental Researches of Elements and Constants of Didactics

In clause results of experimental researches of elements and the constants of didactics described earlier in work of the author «Elementary didactics» are resulted. Speed of comprehension of the information, speed of mastering of new knowledge, the base constant representing the attitude of quantity of base knowledge to quantity of that it is supposed to master during training are carried to them, quantity of the characteristics forming an image, and an age threshold of training.

Problems of the Graduates Professional Military Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Forming of the Military Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Training of Ministry of the Interior of Russian Federation

The author analyses the cadets' professional military training, based on the fundamental concepts of human psychophysiologic memory. The classification of professional skills from the point of view of their functional area and cognition activating grade has been represented. There have been investigated the correlation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the cadets' professional military training.

Memory, Language and Conciousness in the Dialog of Cultures

The cultures’ dialogue is a manifestation of ontological bipolarity of culture. Memory, language and consciousness interpreted in a context of polar conjugacy of two modalities of functioning of the language in culture – the modality of language as a Sign and the modality of language as a Symbol – are represented as regulating principles in the dialogic interaction of cultures at the everyday and metaphysical levels.

Identity as a Social Phenomenon

In the recent years the real storm of interest to the concept of «identity» is observed. The problem of identity became strained when the society had lost the contact to power of nature and tradition and faced the necessity to make self-dependent decisions. Psychoanalysts considered identification as one of defense mechanism. Tradition and memory play the key role in every problem of identity. 
