Memory, Language and Conciousness in the Dialog of Cultures
The cultures’ dialogue is a manifestation of ontological bipolarity of culture. Memory, language and consciousness interpreted in a context of polar conjugacy of two modalities of functioning of the language in culture – the modality of language as a Sign and the modality of language as a Symbol – are represented as regulating principles in the dialogic interaction of cultures at the everyday and metaphysical levels. The dynamics of cultures’ dialogue and the interconnected with it internal transformation cultural represent the modal variations of the relation between the semiosis and the symbolisis of culture.The significant role in the establishment of dialogue and in the maintenance of its dynamics belongs to the ontological orientation of culture as a polar tradition of deployment of the archetypal symbolical cultural – language contents.
1 Bakhtin M. M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. M., 1979. S. 372.
2 Philosophical vocabulary. M., 1991. S. 330.
3 Foucault M. Words and things. M., 1994. P. 33-34
4 See: Florensky P. A. Names. M., 2003.
5 Cm.: Schelling, F. V. I. introduction to the philosophy of mythology // Soch.: In 2 T. M., 1989. Vol.2. P. 159-375.
6 See: Eliade M. Selected works: the Myth of eternal return; Images and symbols; Sacred and secular. M., 2000.
7 See: Jung, C. G. Soul and myth: Six archetypes. M., 1997.
8 Cm.: Baudrillard J. Symbolic exchange and death. M., 2000.
9 See: Liotard J.-F. the postmodern Condition. M., 1998.
10 See: Derrida J. Positions. Kiev, 1996.