Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The role of memory in the social recognition mechanism

Introduction. This article examines the role of memory in communication between people, as well as in such a process as recognition. No communication is feasible without the primary recognition of one subject by the other. Recognition is a way of holding a subject in memory through the connection of the less significant with the more significant. Accordingly, recognition becomes social not when it has occurred, but after it has been fixed. Theoretical analysis.

Semantic frame as an element of meaning-making

Introduction. In the modern socio-cultural space, the concept of the meaning of the text of culture, the process of meaning-making have become relevant among scientists. Previously, these concepts were considered in linguistics, psychology and philosophy, today they have become popular among cultural scientists, and art historians. A theoretical analysis of the concept of “frame” allows us to conclude that a frame is a fragment of a person’s memory, representing knowledge about a particular cultural phenomenon.
