Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Relation of Socialization and Value Orientations of a Personality in the Aspect of its Adaptability among Different Ethnics in Volga Region

Malyshev Ivan V., Saratov State University

A comparative analysis of characteristics of the social suitability and
value orientations of a personality of representatives of three ethnics
(Russians, Tatars and Lezghins) living in theVolga region (Saratov
region) is represented. Modern approaches to the understanding
of the the socialization of a personality and its social-psychological
manifestations, adaptational possibilities are considered. In the results
of the analysis of the phenomena among the majority of the probationers
positive tendencies necessary for successful socialization in
the now days society are noted, in particular, the orientation to the
happy family live, self-reliance act. In the same time it is found the
insufficient solemnity of the values like «active live», this brakes the
positive source in the personality. Among the majority of the representatives
of different ethnics a middle level of the social suitability
and other important characteristics allowing to affectively adapt in the modern society are found. In the results of the correlational analysis
a relation between the studied phenomena can be seen. So, in the
discovered relations are visible stable tendencies that characterize
the personality, common and specific features of the representatives
of each of the studied nationalities.


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