Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Problem of Freedom as the Known Accidental in the Framework of Regularities: Synergetic Analysis


Freedom in synergetics meaning was defined as a specific analogue of accidental, as a factor changing the ratio of evolutionary capabilities of the system. Freedom emerges only under the super- selection’s conditions that is under the control of the subject over the variety of forms of selection and ultimately over the course of social evolution. The problem of the article partly reduces to the position that causes the debates about the freedom on the issue of known accidental. There appeared a new, more sophisticated level of freedom as a known accidental which assume a new level of responsibility - responsibility for the selection. In this connection becomes actual the synergistic requirement to a subject of selection which receives the needful result only making a «definite injection in environment in the right places and at certain times» S. P. Kurdyumov, E. N. Knyazeva). The responsibility for the selection or the freedom as a known accidental implies the creation of such an organization of social production which allows in the context of social development to foresee and exclude dangerous accidents such as severe crises, wars and catastrophes. The task set us in the article has been reduced to the fact of showing that the responsibility for the choice (freedom as a recognized necessity) is reduced to the responsibility for the selection (freedom as a known accidental). The research has led us to the fact that we found the particularly value of the highest freedom and responsibility arising out of it.


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