Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Features of Psychological Attitude of Personality to Objects and Subjects of Labor as a Predictor of Emotional Burnout (Socio-Cognitive Approach)

Yaroshenko Еlena Igorevna, Saratov State University

The article presents the empirical research results of emotional burnout level and socio-psychological characteristics of the penitentiary system employees, presented in terms of job satisfaction and attitudes towards subjects and objects of professional activity in the context of a social cognitive approach. The hypothesis: There is a connection between the emotional burnout level and the psychological attitude to the elements of professional activity among penitentiary institutions employees.The sample group consisted of Federal Penal Enforcement Service (FSIN) employees of the Saratov region. Psycho-diagnostic tools were the method of emotional burnout level diagnostics by V. V. Boyko, the method of determining job satisfaction by A. V. Batarsheva, the questionnaire «Assessment of job satisfaction» by V. A. Rozanova and the method «Subjective assessment of interpersonal relationships» (SOMO) by S. V. Dukhnovsky. The study found that emotional burnout as a socio-psychological phenomenon is closely related to the person's attitude towards objects and subjects of professional activity. At different stages of emotional burnout development, various types of attitudes appear. Therefore, at the early stages (phase of stress) the most significant predictor of emotional burnout was psychological attitude to the labor objects (satisfaction with achievements at work), at the late stage of emotional burnout (exhaustion phase) psychological attitude to the labor subjects (personal and group satisfaction, satisfaction with professional relationships) was observed.


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