Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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From The Gift of Others to the Gift for Others: A Socio-Cultural Aspect of Giftedness

Ryaguzova Elena Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

The article presents the results of theoretical reflection of the “giftedness” construct, which is currently not only included in the field of priority areas of scientific research, but also meets the needs, demands and challenges of a rapidly changing modern society. The basic concepts that operate on the concept of “giftedness” are analyzed, and three groups of approaches to the study of giftedness are conditionally identified: personality-centered, socially-oriented, and culturally-oriented. In the framework of the personality-centered approach, giftedness is considered as a personal property, a natural given, an integral systemic personal quality, identified by Others directly interacting with the personality. In the context of socially-oriented concepts, research approaches to giftedness are generalized, focusing on the importance of the developing environment and social environment, within which giftedness is positioned as a personality potential, developing and actualizing under certain conditions created and supported by interested Others. The author shows that culturally-oriented concepts position the gifted person as a cultural subject and argues that the psychological support of the gifted person cannot be provided without taking into account the sociocultural context and the characteristics of the culture of the society in which it develops and functions. An interpretation of giftedness is proposed, taking into account the contributions of both the individual and the environment, as well as culture, since giftedness is not only and not so much a personal gift and ontological given, but a certain socially and culturally determined task associated with the responsibility and morality of the gifted personality.


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