Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Rational Activity of a Modern Personality and the Meaning of Its “Rationality”

Makhovikov Alexander Evgenyevich, Samara State University of Economics

The article is devoted to the analysis of understanding of the meaning of “rationality” of the rational activity by a modern person. According to the author, the achievement of the goal is impossible without solving the problem of studying the epistemological foundations of post-non-classical rationality which dominates the system of civilizational values, since the basis of the meaning of “rationality” always has a certain type of rationality. At the same time, the author pays special attention to such tools of cognitive activity of a person as information and knowledge. Dialectic, historical, comparative and axiological methods of scientific analysis were used as a methodological basis. As a result of the study, the author reached the following conclusions. The meaning of “rationality” in the rational activity of a modern personality is transformed within the framework of a new system of rational values into a kind of pragmatic matrix, and the main criteria for its use are the performativity of knowledge and the pertinence of information. This leads to overcoming the differences between the real and the virtual, between the true and the untrue in the rational activity of a modern person. The concept of “rationality” now includes for it such meanings as heterogeneity, eclecticism, combining incompatible, pluralism and the right to the equal coexistence of opposing paradigms, that is, the possibility of overcoming binary thinking, where the boundaries of any ontological certainty are erased.


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