Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The phenomenology of rational and irrational thinking

Ardashev Roman G., Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

This article examines the phenomenological structure of various types of thinking: rational, instrumental, irrational, magical, aesthetic, and ethical. The modalities of consciousness that determine the development of a particular way of thinking, as well as the conditions and forms of their disclosure in different social and cultural conditions of social reproduction are revealed. The author shows the significance and direction of development of the phenomenology of irrational thinking in the context of modern socio-political realities of Russia. For the first time, the article presents the phenomenological outline of the analysis of thinking and consciousness of contemporaries. The presented typology is considered through the prism of examples of socio-political and media events of our time, which make it possible to judge the legitimacy of using this technique and methodology in the study of various types of consciousness and thinking of contemporaries. The necessity of using the following analysis scheme is proved: transition from thought to action; the strategies of social action themselves; actors (leaders, experts, professionals), institutions (traditional, integrating, supporting this model); triggers of modality selection or transition from one to another modality. It is shown that individuals can be included in modalities through various strategies: passive perception and distance (withdrawal), construction (creation) and participation (support or criticism).

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