Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Structure of group subjectivity of the family

Pashkova Yana Andreevna, Voronezh State University

The author’s approach to the problem of the structure of subjectivity of the family as a group is presented. For the first time, the subjectivity of the family is revealed as a dynamic socio-psychological property, in the structure of which the following are distinguished: the possibility, readiness and ability of the family to be a subject. The possibility of being a subject is expressed in the family potential, which creates the prospect for the family to acquire the status of a group subject. The willingness to be a subject is revealed as a system of characteristics of the family that allow it to realize its subjective potential. The ability to be a subject is such subjective characteristics of a family group that ensure its possession of a set of ways and techniques of self-realization as a single subject of life. The research methodology is a subjective approach to the group. In a pilot empirical study, the features of the structure of group subjectivity of the family at such stages of its development as formation and flowering are revealed. The ability to be a subject at both stages of the family shows the same degree of moderation. The willingness to be a subject is absent at the stage of formation, but it is expressed quite clearly at the stage of the flourishing of the family. The identical tendency has been established with regard to the family’s ability to be a subject, namely with regard to its activity and “relational” aspects. As for the reflexive and identification aspects of the family’s ability to be a subject, they are expressed at the stage of the family’s heyday, but they are not recorded at the stage of formation.

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