Changes of changes: Sociality and the lack of protection
Despite the fact that social changes are often proclaimed as a combination of positive development prospects, in practice they will not necessarily lead to positive results for everyone and in general. The sociological, ontological and cultural essence of modern changes in the mode of unreliability and redundancy of security systems is revealed. The horizon of understanding the problem in the mode of transition to a new technological order, which requires individual adaptation of people to a risk-generating environment, to a society without guarantees, is proposed. The concepts of “the lack of protection” and “the culture of control” are the basic part of the content. It has been established that digitalization is not substantial, but epiphenomenal, and that the culture of control is an imperative of digitalized sociality and dehumanization. The lack of protection is a sign of transition to the metric rationality of the culture of control, which increases the inanity of the forms and meanings of human existence simplifying it to an adaptation formula. The nature of the lack of protection is not metric, but an internal process that leads away from the adaptive logic of protection to the depth of understanding the limits of its probability in practice. The quality of this level of reflection is not determined by the pressure of changes, but is formed in the creation of thought and the upbringing of will within the social whole.
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