Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Ecce Homo: Symbolic Implications of the Structure of Senses

The article is devoted to the analyses of integral feelings and senses
of the man in conditions of the present-day social reality. Peculiarities
of psychological and spiritual state and actions of the man as the key
elements of the social experience are described, and symbolic basis
of their relation is revealed. Semantics, character and value intentions
of the status of ardour and possession in the man’s creative aspiration
and his actual efforts are studied. Discussion is conducted with

N. Taleb's “Black Swan” as a Philosophical Reflexation of Riskogenic Society

The research focus of the publication is the theory of the “Black Swan” of the modern philosopher N. Taleb, which is considered in the context of the risky measurement of society. “Black Swans” – events that have extremely low predictability, in terms of their impact, can dramatically transform the world. Today, the society is filled with extremely unpredictable events, which make its development as vague as possible.

Social Adaptation-Psychological of Youth and Propensity to Risk

In the article results of the analysis of a place and a role of risk in system of social adaptation-psychological of the person of representatives of young generation are discussed. The structure of social adaptation-psychological in interaction with readiness and propensity to risk is studied.

Methodology of Conceptual Analysis in Philosophy

In article are considered procedures of conceptual analysis in application to analysis of concepts of theoretical and social philosophy: consensus, philosophical culture, risk, revolution. 

Religious Groups in a Risky Realities

Article is devoted a problem of definition religious groups in a risk society. It is underlined, that necessity of research has been caused by a number of the reasons: first, use knowledge of religious studies in social philosophy; second: power relations became involved powerful non-government organizations, corporations, whose role is poorly understood, in contrast to, for example, the state-church relations.

The Social Representations of Risk

In this article results of the analysis of a place and a role of risk in system of social representations are discussed. The structure of social representations about risk is studied. Inter-generation features of perception of risk are analyzed.

Risk and Life-space of Person

Article is devoted to analysis of risk, life-space of the person and researching of correlation among the concept of risk and the concept of life-space of the person. Author argues that the person is a valuable subject, manifesting itself in a space-time continuum. Person is initially free and open and designs itself in creative act. Risk offers as potentially failed event. Consequently, risk becomes basic characteristic of the person. That shows person’s openness and ability to self-designing.

The Conceptual Bases of the Communication Conflict

In article we present the specifics of the communication conflict and virtual person in the modern global space. In this context, concluded that it is necessary social-philosophical understanding of this phenomenon, especially since the problem of communication is connected with the disclosure of the identity of the person, their valuable installations. 

Social Memory in the Life Space of Socium

The article discusses modern problems of inheritance and perception of the past from the standpoint of the categorical apparatus of social philosophy. The conceptual bases of the analysis are connected with the comprehension of the heuristic possibilities of the concepts “social space”, “living space”. When analyzing the ontology of social space, three types of spatial relationships should be considered: institutional, spatial-stratification and civilizational.

Risk-generating Aspect of Education and Sociocultural Potential of the Society in the Context of Digitalization

The object of the authors’ research is the modern society, in which digitalization initiates the endless change of situations derived from the development of the information technology environment. Digitalization is transforming systemic social processes, local practices, and such a strategically important area as education, which is most sensitive to a state of uncertainty. Since uncertainty causes existential risks, the need for an anthropological approach to the analysis of everyday life arises in the study of the risk-generating aspect of education.
