Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Spiritual psychology of S. L. Frank in the context of modern tasks of the development of Russian social psychology

Aksenovskaya Liudmila N., Saratov State University

The introduction highlights the points of contact between the ideas of S.L. Frank’s spiritual psychology and the theme of “generational survival”, developed within the framework of metamodernism and metapsychology, and the relevance of spiritual psychology for solving the problems facing modern Russian social psychology. The theoretical analysis is devoted to understanding the essence of the phenomenon of spirituality, the connection of the spiritual and socio-psychological in the works of S. L. Frank, the development of S. L. Frank’s ideas in the order approach to the socio-psychological study of culture, the essence of metamodern psychology and its socio-psychological aspects. The correspondence of the ideas of metamodernism and metapsychology to the ideas of spiritual psychology of S. L. Frank is considered. It is shown that the basis for independent development at the present stage are the realities of Russian social reality and the experience of predecessors (in particular, S. L. Frank), the restoration of the intellectual tradition of studying the spiritual experience of the “survival” of generations and overcoming difficulties as a theoretical and methodological basis. In conclusion conclusions are drawn about the relevance of Frank spiritual psychology for solving the problems of the development of Russian social psychology in the context of a metamodern worldview; that modern Russian social psychology faces the need to determine its own development paths without relying on Western social psychology. The analysis of the spiritual aspects of social phenomena and the experience of “survival”, the oscillation method brings metamodern psychology and methodology closer to Frank’s spiritual psychology, despite semantic discrepancies.

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