Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Ontology of declaration: Towards the characteristics of modern philosophy

Introduction. The article is devoted to consideration of the state of modern ontological thought. It is no coincidence that after Heidegger there is virtually no systematic consideration of the concept of being in philosophy. Does this mean that the problem of being has lost its relevance? Or does this indicate that the concept of being continues (albeit in a negative way) to determine the face of modern philosophy?


В  статье  рассматриваются  проблемы  становления  и  развития 
науки как социального института в пространстве технократиче-
ской  цивилизации.  Выявляется  альтернатива  технологического 
и технократического подходов к научному знанию. Демонстри-
руется сущностное единство естественных и гуманитарных наук 
на основе общности их технократической организации. Ставится 
проблема влияния глобальной экономики и процесса интерна-
ционализации  научных  институтов  на  современные  реформы 


Попытки  внедрения  рефлексивного  подхода  в  отечественное 
образование  чаще  всего  оказывались  безуспешными,  что,  по 
мнению автора, обусловлено невниманием к материалистиче-
ской позиции психологов, согласно которой эффективно фор-
мировать рефлексивные способности обучающихся возможно, 
опираясь на хорошо изученные законы управления формирова-
нием условных рефлексов человека. В этой связи автор ищет 
связь между рефлексией и рефлексом для того, чтобы в после-

Forming of the Universal Key Competences: Psychological Aspect

Universal competence, as the structural element of key competences, considers as the integrative property of subject of training activity. It has determined four basic component of the universal key competence: motivational, cognitive, activity- communicative, reflexive. Dates components of universal competence are theoretically have investigated in the interrelation with the process of thinking.

Development of Thinking of the Subjects of Education in the Process of Studying of the Theory of Inventive Problems Solving

In this article the theoretical aspects of influence of the theory of Inventive Problems Solving (TRIZ) are stated as a new educational area of knowledge at the development of thinking of the subject of education. The main characteristics of system-logic thinking have been specialized. Criterions and levels of its development have been defined.

Degradation of Understanding and Socio-Mental Essence of the Person

The Person thinking, feeling, understanding, creative, poetic did not took place. The person reasonable and spiritual becomes the person intellectual, functioning. A basis of anthropological crisis makes «to escaping from thinking»: an identification of thinking and the got skills, understanding and operating, reason and mind.

Philosophy in the Risk Case: Possibilities of Thinking

The article is dedicated to an analysis of the modern situation in philosophy. The analysis of Hegels conception in the history of philosophy demonstrates that modern philosophy is in the situation of choice between the end of the philosophy, from the one hand, and the being in the field of the Hegels program (this also means the end of the philosophy). In the article there is an analysis of possible decision of this problem by the case of the risk opening new horizons for the philosophical thinking.

Conceptual Dialectical Thinking of Students: Methodological Analysis

The article offers a methodological analysis of the formation of students' conceptual dialectical thinking. The research is organized in the context of students' professional activity as leading and determining in the formation and development of the future specialist. In determining the essence of conceptual dialectical thinking, the authors have been guided by the general psychological understanding of thinking as a process of analysis through synthesis and the movement from essence to phenomenon, from universal to singularity.

Problems and Concepts of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science: the Phenomenon of Contextuality

This article refers to the analysis of a ratio of science and culture in the context of the new European philosophy. Science as a sociocultural phenomenon always had a special place in culture. Rapid development of science within the last two centuries naturally forces philosophy to look for new approaches to understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge and scientific activity.

Scientific and Technical Rationality: Horizons of Interaction

The article develops the author’s concept of relations between communication and isolation in the structure of the totality of technology and science, the ratio of rational to normative scientific, cognitive and technical structures. The focus is on the nature of ideals and norms of scientific and technical research, the types of scientific and technical rationality, their interdependence, and their role in cognition.
