Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

социальная реальность

Subject Bases of Virtualization of Social Reality in the Information Society

The article is devoted to the consideration of the determining role of virtual reality in contemporary society. The author is positive about virtual processes that can become a tool for the development of a social system. The trend of virtualization of classical social institutions is being asserted. The author examines the history of the concept of “virtual reality”: from medieval approaches to Russian virtual studies. Virtual reality is recognized as a multi-layered formation, whose interpretation is not limited only to digital virtual reality.

Cultural status: The dialectics of objective and subjective

The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the concept of “cultural status” in modern scientific discourse, which includes structural-functional and communicative approaches and allows to identify the invariant features present in this concept. These features, according to the authors, are associated with the category of measure, which fixes the balance of the diverse features of human nature. Cultural status reflects the position of its bearer in the space-time continuum and the context of values, norms, and relationships.

Philosophical expertise of ????????? in the post-truth era

The article discusses the transformation of the world system of the post-truth era, which is affecting the central meanings of culture. The necessity of a philosophical analysis of semantic interventions which are becoming the part of the strategy of conscious construction of reality is substantiated.

On the formulation of the subject matter of social phenomenology

The article is devoted to the formation of the problem field of social phenomenology. The author analyzed the works of the phenomenological and socio-constructivist directions of research and identified a common conceptual core. The authors (T. Luckman, M. Merleau-Ponty, M. Eldred) distinguish a previously undifferentiated communicative horizon in the field of interaction. The communicative horizon belongs to the primordial sphere of the subject and is the result of the demarcation of the homogeneous world according to the criterion of ability to communicate.

The Basic Question of Social Philosophy in the Mirror Modern Russian Reforms

The article deals with one of the important problems of social philosophy – the problem of the relation of social being and social consciousness. Using the conceptual framework of classical philosophy, the authors give a modern interpretation of the basic question of philosophy, and refers to the events in Russia of the late XX – early ХХI centuries. This is not by accident, since these events are truly momentous in its history. The article concludes that modernity confirms the importance and the actuality of the basic question of social philosophy.