Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Basic Question of Social Philosophy in the Mirror Modern Russian Reforms

Osipov N. E., Chuvash State University
Trifonov G. F., Chuvash State University

The article deals with one of the important problems of social philosophy – the problem of the relation of social being and social consciousness. Using the conceptual framework of classical philosophy, the authors give a modern interpretation of the basic question of philosophy, and refers to the events in Russia of the late XX – early ХХI centuries. This is not by accident, since these events are truly momentous in its history. The article concludes that modernity confirms the importance and the actuality of the basic question of social philosophy. The article criticizes some newfangled trends in Russian literature, claiming the last word in philosophy. Most of them are different versions of Husserl's phenomenology. It’s shown that often terminology does not carry any deep philosophical sense, but is merely verbal gymnastics.

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  2. Lenin V. I. Materializm i empiriokrititsim (Materialism and Empiriocriticism). Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: v 55 t. 5-е izd. (Complete works: in 55 vol. 5 ed.). Moscow, 1968, vol. 18, 525 p.
  3. Berger P., Luckmann T. The Social Construction of Reality. A Treatise on sociology of Knowledge. New York, 1966. 240 p. (Russ. ed.: Berger P., Luckmann T. Sotsialnoe konstruirovanie realnosti. Moscow, 1995. 323 p.).
  4. Shyutz A. The Problem of Social Reality. Collected Papers: in 3 vol. Hague; Boston; London, 1962. Vol. 1. 361 p. (Russ. ed.: Shutts A. Izbrannoye. Mir, svetyashchiysya smyslom. Moscow, 2004. 1056 p.).
  5. Ocherki fenomenologicheskoi fi losofi i. Pod red.Ya. A. Slinin, B. V. Markov (Essays phenomenological philosophy. Ed. Ya. A. Slinin, B. V. Markov). St.-Petersburg, 1997. 224 p.
  6. Husserl E. Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft. Logos 1. 1910/11. Tubingen. S. 289–341 (Russ. ed.: Husserl E. Filosofi ya kak strogaya nauka. Logicheskie issledovaniya. Kartezianskie razmyshleniya. Krizis evropeyskikh nauk I transtsendentalnaya fenomenologiya. Krizis evropeyskogo tselovechestva I fi losofi i. Filosofi ya kak strogaya nauka. Minsk; Moscow, 2000, pp. 668–743).