Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Philosophical expertise of ????????? in the post-truth era

Levytskyy Viktor Sergeevich, Ukrainian Institute of Strategies of Global Development and Adaptation

The article discusses the transformation of the world system of the post-truth era, which is affecting the central meanings of culture. The necessity of a philosophical analysis of semantic interventions which are becoming the part of the strategy of conscious construction of reality is substantiated. Basing on the transcendentalist tradition, phenomenological sociology in particular, the author shows that the crisis of legitimacy of universal reason leads to the possibility of conscious construction of a social reality as a value-semantic universe, which is becoming one of the tools of ideological confrontation and political struggle in modern conditions. The ideological narratives used both for self-justification of cultural subjectivity and for influencing the subjectivity of competitors are linked into integral systems, which are built around the central meanings of culture, and serve, on the one hand, as the basis for the interpretation of individual events, and on the other, as a factor of the identity’s formation and the basis of the entire communities’ practical activities, to the extent of national and civilization projects. This approach allows to: 1) associate the construction of social reality with its semantic dimension; 2) see the principles, methods, goals, beneficiaries, etc. of a conscious construction of reality; 3) suggest ways of countering the conscious interference in the semantic sphere of culture. As a result, the need for a philosophical examination of the geopolitical process and national (civilizational) development strategies is argued, which makes the paradigm narratives and the semantic dimension of social reality more coherent and stable as a whole with respect to the external interference. 

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