Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Chance in Nature: the One and the Multiple

The article is devoted to some problems of modern natural science in
philosophical context of ontological categories «chance and necessity»,
«the One and the Multiple». Particularly, author examines problem of
existence of one world or multiple possible universes, constitution of
fundamental physical constants, set of conditions required for beginnings
and spread of life in the Universe. Duality of relations between
categories «chance» and «the One and the Multiple» is substantiated,


В статье раскрыты место и роль неопределенности в развитии 
в качестве фундаментальной характеристики бытия, в том чис-
ле бытия человека, связь с категориями случайности, хаоса. С 
позиций обобщенной концепции детерминизма подчеркивается 
объективный характер неопределенности, связанной с неустой-
чивостью динамических систем. Показываются роль неопреде-
ленности  на  различных  структурных  уровнях  действительности 
и на разных этапах развития, ее фундаментальный характер. В 


Статья посвящена анализу соотношений свободы и необходи-
мости, возможности и действительности, выбора и отбора, сво-
боды и ответственности. Определяются основные закономер-
ности  (тенденции),  управляющие  социальными  процессами, 
в рамках которых проявляется свобода, а именно механизмы 
отбора и суперотбора. Описываются эссенциология, феноме-
нология и аксиология свободы. Определяется понятие свободы 
в социуме, которая реализуется лишь в условиях суперотбора 

The Problem of Freedom as the Known Accidental in the Framework of Regularities: Synergetic Analysis

Freedom in synergetics meaning was defined as a specific analogue of accidental, as a factor changing the ratio of evolutionary capabilities of the system. Freedom emerges only under the super- selection’s conditions that is under the control of the subject over the variety of forms of selection and ultimately over the course of social evolution. The problem of the article partly reduces to the position that causes the debates about the freedom on the issue of known accidental.

N. Taleb's “Black Swan” as a Philosophical Reflexation of Riskogenic Society

The research focus of the publication is the theory of the “Black Swan” of the modern philosopher N. Taleb, which is considered in the context of the risky measurement of society. “Black Swans” – events that have extremely low predictability, in terms of their impact, can dramatically transform the world. Today, the society is filled with extremely unpredictable events, which make its development as vague as possible.

Randomness in Natural Science

The article gives brief review of concepts of category of randomness, represented in natural science on three stages of scientific cognition – classical, non-classical and post-non-classical. Ontology and epistemology provide the context of philosophical comprehension of the problem.