Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Career orientation “professional competence” as a factor in the successful mastery of the role of a doctor by medical students

Introduction. The article reflects the results of the study that made it possible to identify the connection between subjective personality traits and the severity of career orientation, manifested in the desire to improve their knowledge and skills in the chosen field among medical university students. The maturity of the studied career motivation can be an important factor determining the success of future doctors mastering role-related professional behavior. Theoretical analysis.

Internal conflict of personality and its connection with indicators of the formation of the professional self in the structure of individuality among students of psychological specialties

. Introduction. The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at identifying the peculiarities of the connection between the severity of internal conflict and a complex of psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of an individual in the structure of individuality as a subject of professional socialization. Theoretical analysis.


Представлены результаты теоретического и эмпирического ис-
следований  структурно-содержательных  характеристик  само-
регуляции  социального  поведения  личности  представителей 
разных  этногрупп.  Эмпирическое  исследование  выполнено 
на  пропорционально  подобранной  выборке  студенческой  мо-
лодежи (г. Саратов), причисляющей себя к русскому и татар-
скому этносу (n = 60, женского и мужского пола; 18–20 лет), 
с применением психодиагностического инструментария: «Типы 

The Structural Organization of Self-Сontrol Depending on a Level of Subjective Well-Being of the Person

In article results of empirical research of interrelation of self-control and subjective well-being of the person are submitted. Specificity of interfunctional connections in structure of self-control of the person is shown depending on a level of subjective well-being.

Self-Adjustment Component of Psychological Model of Learning Activity Self-Direction of Young Students

The article considers psychic self-direction of behavior, learning and professional activity of
Humanities University students from the perspective of systematic and structural approach.
A psychological model of self-direction has been provided. Self-adjustment components as well
as personality characteristics comprising self-direction of young student behavior and activities at
different stages of their studies have been considered.

Expressiveness of Self-Control Parameters of Civil Servants with Different Levels of Social Normativity

In article issues of self-control and normativity of the civil servants are discussed. Social normativity of employees is understood as development of moral and ethical regulation of behavior, sense of responsibility, conscientiousness, obligation including execution of the assigned business and aspiration to high-quality performance of instructions. Social non-normativity of the employee implies disregard for officially accepted social norms and rules of conduct or professional activity, lack of bans on violation of standards of behavior and activity.

The Problem of Studying Self-Determination of Personality in the Domestic Psychological Science

The article presents the analysis of the current domestic research of the problem of self-determination of personality. It is shown that the peculiarities of the domestic concept of self-determination is the synthesis of foreign experience and our own developments in the field of motivation, self-regulation and subjectivity. In domestic studies it is shown that adolescence is sensitive in the development of self-determination, but there are not enough studies of its ontogenetic features, revealing basic conditions, mechanisms and prerequisites of development.

Tensometric Investigation Into the Peculiarities of Functioning of the Perceptional and Emotional Spheres of a Learner

The article describes the results of the study that aimed at establishing the psychological features of the relationship between the accuracy of tactile perception and the features of the functioning of the emotional sphere of students. The study involved 120 subjects aged 5–50. The hypothesis predicting that the accuracy of the tactile perception and the emotional status of the students are interrelated was confirmed in the the study. The direct average correlation was established, with a significance level of 0.66 (Pearson coefficient).

Contradictory Development of Individuality: B. G. Ananiev’s Conception

The article offers the analysis of individuality conception formulated in the works of B.G. Ananiev. It is stated that the Ananiev's concept of individuality has two inseparably connected meanings: individuality as an inner world of individuality and as a system integrity of human qualities – as of a person, individuality, subject of activity and content of inner world. The contradictoriness which defines the development of individuality is displayed and its causes are exposed.