Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Expressiveness of Self-Control Parameters of Civil Servants with Different Levels of Social Normativity

Dukhnovsky Sergey Vitalievich, Ugra State University

In article issues of self-control and normativity of the civil servants are discussed. Social normativity of employees is understood as development of moral and ethical regulation of behavior, sense of responsibility, conscientiousness, obligation including execution of the assigned business and aspiration to high-quality performance of instructions. Social non-normativity of the employee implies disregard for officially accepted social norms and rules of conduct or professional activity, lack of bans on violation of standards of behavior and activity. Standard values and rules of conduct are perceived by the personality as “heavy fetters”, and their observance is regarded as “loss of freedom”. Therefore, there is a desire to ignore or violate them. The research has allowed to establish that the regulatory component of psychological reliability of employees is interconnected with features of their conscious self-control which is understood as the process of initiation and management of any activity. The system of conscious self-control serves for the subject as the means of process implementation and organization of mental resources for promotion and achievement of the goals. It has been determined that normative employees demonstrate modeling, programming and evaluation processes in the structure of conscious self-control, while non-normative employees show domination of planning processes, flexibility and independence. Conscious self-control is the personnel potential (a personal and professional resource) development of which promotes minimization of personnel risks and increases psychological reliability of civil servants.


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