Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

история философии


В статье исследуется проблема предмета и методологии препо-
давания теологии в современных российских светских высших 
учебных  заведениях.  Автор  раскрывает  основное  содержание 
дискуссии среди ученых по этому вопросу и приводит аргументы 
полемизирующих сторон. По его мнению, для введения предмета 
теология имеется основание на уровне исторического междуна-
родного опыта и дореволюционной традиции университетского 
образования в России. Им анализируются материалы обсужде-

Gabriel Gordon: Fate and Philosophical Creativity

In this article the analysis of the archival materials connected with name of Russian neokantianist Gabriel Gordon is spent. His memoirs, his communication with The Universities of Moscow and Marburg, a situation in academic environment in the end XIX ? beginnigs of XX centuries are investigated in details.


The Problem of the End of Philosophy: Hanto-Logical Aspects

The article analyzes perspectives of developing of contemporary philosophy, and also widely discussed in recent decades problem of «the end of philosophy». So far as this problem is associated nowadays first of all with the post-modern philosophy, positions of postmodernists philosophers are examined in the article. The author concludes that contemporary philosophy can be considered as lying beyond the opposition «sunset/development», thereby it is better to talk about «the end of the end of philosophy».

Problematization of a Question of Rationality in Scientific Research of Karl Marx: Historical and Philosophical Bases of Philosophy of Science

The article is devoted to consideration of problems of rationality in Karl Marx’s philosophy. The analyzed list of problems of scientific rationality includes the problems of logic, methodology and axiology of social and economic researches. The research for a dialectic method of idealistic philosophy and anthropological thinking precedes the historical novelty of dialectics-materialistic methodology of Marxism. It promoted creation of the complete concept of essence of the person, socio-historical process.

Geschick (The Message of Being) as a Constitutive Feature of the Mythical

This article is devoted to the task of identifying the constitutive attribute of the mythical. The study does not concern the phenomenon of the genesis of myth, considering only those features which allow the myth to survive significant changes, deconstruction and evasion, without losing the basis of its essence, where evasion (der Entzug) is one of the most important terms of Heidegger’s philosophy, denoting the ability of a being to manifest itself in an indirect, unnatural way, to impose itself on a representation.

Historical-philosophical views of V. I. Zasulich (On the example of the work “Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The experience of characteristics of his social ideas”)

The article is devoted to the work of the Russian revolutionary, writer and Marxist theorist V. I. Zasulich. The subject of consideration is the historical and philosophical views of the thinker, which are analyzed on the basis of her study devoted to the work of J.-J. Rousseau – “Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The experience of characteristics of his social ideas”, which previously remained almost without the attention of researchers. The purpose of the work is to analyze the basic principles of the approach of V. I.

The Eternal Recurrence of the Text: from Nietzsche to Post-structuralism

The article is devoted to influence of F. Nietzsche’s concept of history of philosophy on corresponding practice of poststructuralists like R. Bartes, J. Derrida, G. Deleuze in the history of philosophy field. The conceptual basis of the specified influence is shown through the significant for F. Nietzsche doctrine about Eternal Recurrence. However, the article discovers the aspect from a heritage of F. Nietzsche’s thought in the history of philosophy that missed by the postmodernists. It is the personal influence aspect.

Skepticism: Historical and logical forms and perspectives

Introduction. The permanent relevance of skepticism is due to its ancestral connection with philosophy. The problematic nature of the definition of «skepticism» in the conditions of post-non-classical ambiguity of modern social development determines the immediate relevance of the analysis of skepticism. The complexity and novelty of the goal determine the choice of the historical and logical method of research and the emphasis on its logical component. Theoretical analysis.

V. I. Zasulich about the philosophy of F. Nietzsche

Introduction. The article is devoted to the work of a Russian revolutionary, writer and Marxist theorist V. I. Zasulich. The subject of consideration is the historical and philosophical views of the thinker, which are analyzed on the basis of her work on modern idealism and one of its brightest representatives – F. Nietzsche. The purpose of the work is to analyze V. I. Zasulich’s ideas about the philosophy of F. Nietzsche. Theoretical analysis. The works of V. I.