Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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111.1:1:(091) (44):141.131:502,12:1

Problematization of a Question of Rationality in Scientific Research of Karl Marx: Historical and Philosophical Bases of Philosophy of Science

Martynovich Sergey Fedorovich, Saratov State University
Orlov Mikhail Olegovych, Saratov State University

The article is devoted to consideration of problems of rationality in Karl Marx’s philosophy. The analyzed list of problems of scientific rationality includes the problems of logic, methodology and axiology of social and economic researches. The research for a dialectic method of idealistic philosophy and anthropological thinking precedes the historical novelty of dialectics-materialistic methodology of Marxism. It promoted creation of the complete concept of essence of the person, socio-historical process. In a research it is established that the concept of spontaneous process of thinking offered by Hegel was considerably rethought by Marx and in the context of the idea of social matter it was applied to knowledge of world history, society, capitalist production. Marx's researches of the person and society are characterized by the historicism and the idea of development. Marx transformed tradition of materialism by means of use of the idea of self-development to understanding of the nature, society, the person, world history. The materialistic understanding of practice as process of production and reproduction of human life and society was a basis of materialistic understanding of history. Rejecting irrationalism as outlook, he looked for possibilities of understanding of the nature, society, the person, world history on the rational bases, by means of a scientific rational and empirical research. The idea of progressiveness of development was comprehended by him as the constructive principle of outlook. The authors of the article solve a problem of interpretation of the status of scientific character of Karl Marx's researches and establish what aspects of scientific creativity were basic for the philosopher. The constructibility of the methodological requirement of comprehension of history which always needs to be considered in interrelation with the economic relations is investigated.


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