Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В статье рассматриваются условия истинного познания, в не-
коем  смысле  предшествующие  выполнению  логических  про-
цедур и правил. Сущее, которое подлежит познанию, по край-
ней мере, не должно меняться в ходе познавательных усилий, 
лишь в этом случае мы имеем дело с наукой и научной исти-
ной  (достоверностью).  Одновременно  мы  можем  представить 
себе диапазоны познания других возможных миров (например, 
божественное познание), где параметры истины заданы иным 

Christianity and Science: from Autonomy to Interaction

This article is devoted to consideration of the main tendences in solving by modern western christian theologians the problem of relations between Christianity and science. Today here is elaborated a new vision on history and modern state of interrelations between science and theology. Here is stressed an injustice of statesments about their principally opposition and fixed a positive influence of Christianity on the development of European science. There is no common theologian opinion about the mode of modern interrelations between theology and science.

Landscape Ontology: Existential Continuum

The phenomenon of the space-time continuum of the landscape is considered in the article. The author pays special attention to the problem of human life in a complex system and the totality of all components of natural and natural-anthropogenic landscapes.

Problems of formation of environmental consciousness: Educational aspect

The formation of mass environmental awareness among the younger generation is one of the most pressing problems of environmental education that also needs support from state and public organizations, designed to ensure the continuity, accessibility and methodological content of its implementation in educational institutions of all levels.

The Relation of Body and Mind – a Fundamental Issue concerning Human Identity

The actual debate on human identity is dominated by a one-sided definition of person: It focuses on rationality, language and consciousness of time, in brief on self-consciousness. The relevance of the body is constrained to its physiological functions. Yet as lived body it is also an expression of the inner life, of feelings, emotions and mental acts. As expression of the variety of intentional acts the relation of body and mind can be defined as a symbolic relation, as Ernst Cassirer, an important representative of neo-Kantianism, argues.

The Ontological Meaning of the Concept of Contemplation in the Philosophy of Plotinus

The article deals with the ontological status of the concept of contemplation in the philosophy of Plotinus. The author reveals the nature and methodological foundations of Plotinus ’general approach to analysis of the contemplation and its relationship with the teleological vision of the Good in Platonism. The structure of contemplation is investigated in the context of the relationship of various levels of natural existence. Special attention is paid to the relationship of contemplation with the key concepts for Plotinus like the soul, the mind, and the one.

The Relation of Body and Mind – a Fundamental Issue concerning Human Identity

The actual debate on human identity is dominated by a one-sided definition of person: It focuses on rationality, language and consciousness of time, in brief on self-consciousness. The relevance of the body is constrained to its physiological functions. Yet as lived body it is also an expression of the inner life, of feelings, emotions and mental acts. As expression of the variety of intentional acts the relation of body and mind can be defined as a symbolic relation, as Ernst Cassirer, an important representative of neo-Kantianism, argues.

Retrospective Analysis of the Phenomenon of Childhood: Social-Philosophical Aspect

Social and philosophical analysis of childhood in his retrospective dynamics encompasses two fundamental social and philosophical issues — the formation of the individual and the family. The article highlights the results of a study of the phenomenon of childhood using genealogical, psychoanalytic and civilizational approaches.

From the subject to the agent in social and humanitarian discourses of the 21st century

Introduction. The article is focused on the problem of tuning research optics in the directions of vision and understanding a subject, society and the whole world. Since the Age of Enlightenment, the idea of subjectivity has been the foundation for such optics. In the 21st century the place of the subject is claimed by multiple agents that do not have a human nature. Theoretical analysis.