Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья посвящена рассмотрению эмоционально-ценностного отношения к нравствен-
ности и ответственности у представителей шести социальных групп. Особое внима-
ние  уделяется  вопросу  идентификации  категориального  статуса  нравственности  и 
ответственности, занимающих уникальное место в системе человеческих ценностей. 
Аргументируется правомерность рассмотрения ценностей и ценностных ориентаций 
личности в качестве базовых компонентов нравственного сознания. Автор высказыва-

Spirituality as the Highest Value in a Person’s Life

The article describes spirituality as the highest value and the basis
of the existence of a person. The key point of the article is that
the process of becoming a spiritual person doesn’t happen all on
its own and doesn’t depend on the subject itself. On the contrary,
this process requires a certain amount of efforts to happen and
even an inner heroic deed of person, seeking for a spiritual and
cultural growth. The conclusion is that the spirituality is a unique

The Dynamics of Value Orientations of the Creative Elite in a Risk Society

In this article the author makes an attempt to determine the reasons for the loss of civilizational identity, coupled with the loss of the previous values and social certainty. He is trying to figure out the role played by the creative elite in shaping the cultural identification attitudes of society in modern Russia. The article traces the dynamics of formation and development of Russian identity in the transition period. Analyzes the direction and nature of the state of social dynamics.


Актуальность исследования обусловлена динамичностью, про- тиворечивостью социальных преобразований общества, по- рождающих неопределенное отношение к ценностям и нормам, в числе которых и ценности карьеры, нравственного развития личности, ранее существовавшие. Изложены результаты эм- пирического исследования, целью которого является изучение взаимосвязи нравственного самоопределения и карьерных ориентаций, предпринятого на выборке студенческой молоде- жи (N = 112). Применение психодиагностического инструмен- тария – методики «Нравственное самоопределение личности», (А.


Исследуется влияние разных эпох на физическую культуру, связь физической культуры с особенностями различных социо-культурных систем, с их эволюцией на важнейших этапах социально-экономического и культурного развития общества. Физкультурная деятельность представлена как единство духовной и двигательной сторон. Доказывается, что физическая культура формирует гармонию духовных и телесных сил человека.

Spirituality-Moral Determinants of Sport

In clause philosophical problems of sports, it social and cultural bases are considered. The basic accent is done revealing spiritually-moral a determinant of an investigated phenomenon. Sports activity initially human oriented and the main task of modern system of physical training and formation consists in preservation and development of the given humanistic beginning.

Problem of Tragic in Electronic Virtual Reality: Futurologic Aspect

In the article the potential of tragic as strong factor of influence upon moral spirit of man in the sphere of electronic virtual (computer) reality (EVR) are analyzed. EVR is considered as a special type of «soft» reality, characterized by particular existential-constructive function, which gives one an opportunity to realize his resourses.

Spirituality as a Basis of Morality and Patriotism in a Modern Russian Society

The article considers the dialectical correlation between patriotism, morality and spirituality. Spirituality is interpreted as the main condition and basis of all moral qualities and abilities of the human being, including patriotism. In comparison with patriotism as a spiritual quality of the person, spirituality looks like a transcendental condition of personal existence, which allows us to interpret it more fundamental and, therefore, primary phenomenon.

Moral Nature of Philosophy

The article explores the moral nature of philosophy. The source of philosophy is the duality of human existence. Philosophy is moral in its essence, being a way of life which actualizes the contradictory unity of the dual human nature in thoughts and deeds. Historically, there were three types of understanding the philosophy: the Sophia type, the epistemic type and the technematic type. The Sophia type, first formulated by Pythagoras, comes from the idea of love of wisdom. Being the fullness of knowledge, wisdom is accessible only to God.

I. Kant and B. V. Rauschenbach on cognition and morality: The contact points

In the XXI century, the humanity continues to actively transform the world, technological progress puts rationalism in the first place as a worldview. Of course, the balance between rationalism and irrationalism in one time dimension and cultural space is difficult to achieve, each of these types periodically prevails and therefore has a specific impact on culture. At the same time, periods of changing cognitive and value orientations may be accompanied by crisis phenomena of a moral and ethical nature.
